Michael Vick, Pages Manager, FiveHundredPlus, & Medium: the Social 6 for 3/6/13
Well, it's not often I post more sensationalist, general interest posts, but maybe I should, as the Michael Vick story I shared ran away with the most number of clicks and shares. Given that, I just had to give it the top spot. Plenty more news you can use, however, including an analysis of Apple's time as a dominant stock, FiveHundredPlus' contact management solution, and the ongoing success of Facebook's (admittedly imperfect) Pages Manager app. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Why brands must embrace the role of editor (Marketing Mag UK)
#5: Ev Williams: Medium Wants To Help Build A Sustainable Economic Model For Journalism (TechCrunch)
#4: Facebook's Pages Manager app has now reached 8 million downloads (TheNextWeb)
#3: Remember to stay in touch with all of your best LinkedIn contacts by using FiveHundredPlus (TheNextWeb)
#2: Are Apple's glory days over -- and will a smartwatch help? (Ecommerce Times)
#1: File this under WTF - Michael Vick & his puppy spotted at puppy training classes at Petsmart (Gothamist)
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SXSW Prep, Pinterest Strategy, EasilyDo, and Klout vs. Kred: the Social 6 for 3/5/13
Busy, busy day out there! Today's clicks and shares were off the charts, I tell you. If you have ten minutes to kill -- or more -- we have plenty of great pieces for you. Today we have a buffet of great stuff, from the battle between Klout & Kred, the ramp-up to SXSW, why most of today's social media is going to be around in one way or another in the future. Here's your Social 6:
#6: To-Do List's EasilyDo App Launches A Tool For Creating Automated Tasks (TechCrunch)
#5: Klout Vs. Kred: Which, If Any, Is Better For Your Business? (Forbes)
#4: Warming Up for South by Southwest Interactive 2013 (New York Times blog)
#3: Pinterest Strategy: Are You Pinning with Purpose? (Social Media Today)
#2: 10 top trends and tips for social and mobile in 2013 (Eye For Travel)
#1: Why (So Much of) Social Media is Here to Stay (Going Social)
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Duane Reade, Pandora Jewelry, Songdrop, and Apple's War Chest: the Social 6 for 3/4/12
Today was a busy busy day, which is par for the course for a Monday, and we have plenty of great reading material. Some of the highlights included the launch of Pandora in New York City hosted by Pretty Connected, the rise of Songdrop, how Duane Reade is getting hyperlocal right, and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Songdrop Is Like A Delicious For Music For That Lives Outside Of Paywalls (TechCrunch)
#5: Are You Targeting the Wrong Social Influencers? 3 Mistakes Brands are Making (BlogWorld)
#4: The UK's Guardian is boasting a new ad campaign to loop in American readers (New York Times)
#3: Case Study: Duane Reade Uses Local Brand Advocates to Promote Neighborhood Stores (Street Fight)
#2: Join Pretty Connected + Lucky Magazine for the Pandora 3/7 Grand Opening in NYC (Pretty Connected)
#1: 10 Things Apple Could Buy with its $137 Billion (AllThingsD)
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Chris Hadfield, LinkedIn Marketing, and Facebook Redesign: the Social 6 Weekend Edition
Happy Monday, everyone! Over the weekend (I'm including Friday) there was plenty of activity around the Internet, with a good deal of attention, unsurprisingly, on Facebook's unveil of a new news feed this coming week. Besides news on the Facebook front, we also have how 20-somethings are being put to their limits in today's workplace, astronaut Chris Hadfield's homespun social media branding, and why LinkedIn is topping Facebook as the top social media platform according to top companies. Here's your Social 6:
#6: The hardest selling lesson of all (Christopher S. Penn blog)
#5: Longer hours (and lower pay) for a lot of 20-somethings (New York Times)
#4: How astronaut Chris Hadfield is an example of expert social media branding (London Free Press)
#3: Facebook trials tweaked single-column Timeline design and new ‘Like Page’ button in New Zealand (The Next Web)
#2: Inc. 500: LinkedIn Chucks Out Facebook From Top Social Tool [Study] (Daze Info)
#1: Here's what to expect from the new Facebook news feed (ReadWrite)
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Pandora Listening Limits, CRM Tools, Mobile Security, Chinese Social Media: the Social 6 for 2/28/13
Happy March, everyone! Yesterday ended February on a high note, with enough in the way of interesting news & views that some stellar stories didn't even hit the top six. There's plenty below worth a few minutes of your time, from which mobile devices are safer for your business computing, CRM tools of all sorts that you can use to propel your business forward, and the changes to Pandora that might affect your music streaming habits. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Appthority finds iOS Apps Leak More Personal Info Than Android Apps (ReadWrite)
#5: Chinese citizens turn the tables & use surveillance + social media to expose corrupt officials (The Verge)
#4: Aliza Sherman's Pinterest 5-day intro course on Pinterest starting March 4 (Ruzuku)
#3: The perils of living our lives online (ReadWrite)
#2: 7 Social CRM Tools You Need to Know About (Social Media Today)
#1: Pandora forced to put limits on free music listening (ReadWrite)