Of course, it’s been a very sad weekend as we stay on top of all the news related to the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut. Here are some of the more important links shared this weekend as most news touched on the massacre. Obviously not much news is shared on the weekend per se, but we have plenty of interesting and important views to stay on top of. I love the top two especially. Here’s your Social 6:
#6: On Instagram, a thriving bazaar taps a big market (Waterloo Record)
#5: Why’s Apple stock in the pits when analysts have good things to say about the iPhone & iPad lineup? (Business Insider)
#4: Does Facebook’s future rests on lessons from Wal-Mart campaign? (All Things D)
#3: How Music Streaming Service Songza And Audyssey Just Upgraded Your Headphones For Free (TechCrunch)
#2: Directed Browsing And The Death Of The URL (Forbes)
#1: A Few Reasons Why You’d Want To Download All Of Your Tweets (TechCrunch)