Yahoo, Graph Search, Dating Apps, Getonic, & Bluefin Labs: the Social 6 for 2/13/13

February 13th saw a number of pretty interesting posts around the Interwebz, largely focused on Facebook. Let’s get to it, especially since I’m running late on this one. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Facebook’s Graph Search is great news — for Yahoo (TheStreet)

#5: Happy Valentine’s Day: Top Dating Apps For iPhone, iPad And Android (ReadWriteWeb)

#4: Getonic, the mini e-commerce platform, lands $1.3M (The Next Web)

#3: We are the 16%: Why Facebook should stop charging to increase the reach of Page posts (The Next Web)

#2: Why Twitter Dropped Close to $90 Million on Bluefin Labs (AllThingsD)

#1: Why Facebook Graph & Vine won’t save social media (

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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