While we had a few major Apple articles that were shared, commented on, and retweeted yesterday, let’s look at some Apple news – but let’s open our minds to all the other articles you might have missed yesterday, shall we? Here’s what you missed yesterday:

4 Social Media Tools That Never Go Out of Style (Business 2 Community)

“Social media is a whole lot more about hustle, and a whole lot less about slick tools or automation…[there] isn’t an app for earning someone’s respect. There are, however, some basic guidelines that those who ‘get’ social media have unilaterally used in their rise to becoming forces to be reckoned with. We’ve outlined four of them for you below.”

With iTunes, is Apple’s Ping Dead?

“iTunes is getting more social, but not with Ping. Today Apple announced that Ping will be shut down on September 30th. iTunes 11 will instead display your Facebook friends who Liked each entry, offer Facebook and Twitter sharing for purchases, plus let musicians share photos on their artist pages. The changes come amongst a larger overhaul to the iTunes store and player design.”

Case Study: MicroGREEN InCycle Cups Transmedia Campaign (Business 2 Community)

“MicroGREEN came to Magnet Media for help spreading the word about the cup before its introductory launch in test markets. MicroGREEN especially wanted to reach “millennials” and “millennial moms”—young groups that value sustainability and are highly connected with digital media—with a trans-media campaign.”

Cease Fire! Google Debuts YouTube App For iPhone – with Ads (Forbes)

“…the new app, unlike the old one, can run ads. The inability to run ads on the old one was a reason many content providers didn’t let them be viewed on the app.More to the point for Google, this means it can now earn some serious coin from mobile visitors. That’s crucial as mobile devices become the default way people are reaching content on the Web. Google says a quarter of YouTube views, more than a billion a day, are from mobile devices.”

With Apple’s announcements today, who stands to gain?

“Apple’s big product launch in San Francisco this week, expected to mark the debut of the iPhone 5, could spell good news for a host of companies way beyond the boundaries of the tech giant’s campus in Cupertino, Calif.From Apple itself to the company’s telecom partners and component makers, there’s a whole host of firms set for an iPhone 5 boost.”

Is This The World’s Smartest Coke Machine?  (ReadWriteWeb)

“Plenty of devices can claim to have an Intel microprocessor inside. But, seriously, a Coke machine? This one does, and it can take your picture, too…at the Intel Developer Forum on Tuesday, Intel showed off an interactive Coke machinemanufactured by SIA Interactive, a South American technology and design firm. The machine towered over Dadi Perlmutter, the head of Intel’s chip group.”

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