Yammer, Data Visualization, and the Facebook Stock Rally Top the Social 6 for 11/15/12

You know the drill by now: I share what you guys clicked on, shared, and retweeted the most yesterday, which was actually a doozy of a day. I especially recommend #2, though I'm admittedly a bit biased since I'm an entrepreneur worried about his health. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Social media overwhelming some SMBs (BizReport)

#5: 75 things @pammktgnut learned on her journey to 100,000 Twitter followers (Business 2 Community)

#4: Yammer + SharePoint: Microsoft's Social Strategy Isn't Social, It's Collaborative  (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: Facebook’s Stock Rally & How The Company Can Have More of Them (Going Social)

#2: New study finds that entrepreneurship is good for your health (Business Insider)

#1: Seven data visualization lessons from Visualized NYC (World Bank Data blog)

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Tumblr's agencies list, Papa John's spam, and Groupon's stock woes in the Social 6 for 11/14/12

Papa John's Pizza
Papa John's Pizza (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


These days, if you blink, you'll likely miss something. Thank god for the Social 6, I always say. That say, I can get a quick idea of what links were popular yesterday, including Groupon's continued woes, ways to maximize LinkedIn, what agencies Tumblr is recommending, and exactly what else Papa John's is serving up besides calorific pizza. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Five Key Elements For Your Social Media Policy (Business 2 Community)

#5: Groupon Stock Goes On Fire Sale, But What Went So Wrong? (ReadWriteWeb)

#4: Who Owns Your Social Media Content? (Social Media Explorer)

#3: 4 Features on LinkedIn You're Not Using - But Should Be (Going Social)

#2: Tumblr rolls out its “A-List” of preferred agencies to recommend to brands (The Next Web)

#1: Papa John’s accused of delivering spam with your pizza (VentureBeat)

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Spotify, Bonobos, Lead Gen, and Law Firms' Social Media Use in the Social 6 for 11/13/12

In case you were busy, oh, working on Monday, we've got you covered. The last day saw a number of good stories, from a duo of strong Business 2 Community pieces, to the 2nd part of my two-part discussion with Bonobos' John Rote over on the Going Social companion site, to Spotify's (de)valuation. Here's your Social 6:

#6: The Three Things Marketers Keep Forgetting About Facebook (Business 2 Community)

#5: What Do Startups Need Most Right Now? (Read Write Web)

#4: How To Properly Do Lead Generation Using Social Media (Business 2 Community)

#3: Going Social with...John Rote of Bonobos, Part II (Going Social)

#2: Large law firms lack social media strategy, finds TR report (Legal Business Online)

#1: Where Did Spotify's Billion Dollars Go? Ask Netflix (All Things D)

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Zynga, Social Media in China, and Geolocating Racist Tweets in the Social 6 Weekend Recap

Good morning, folks, and welcome to another week which will likely have a slew of great social media-centric news. This weekend’s shares weren’t half shabby either, between LinkedIn tips, tensions between social media and Chinese leadership, and exactly where racism in the U.S. comes from. Here’s your Social 6:
#6: Zynga Announces Acquisition Of November Software To Build ‘Mid-Core’ Game Battlestone (TechCrunch)
#5: 5 Ways to Improve Your New LinkedIn Company Page
#4: Who’s Vulnerable Among the Internet’s ‘Fantastic Four’? Techonomy Panelists Say It’s Apple And Facebook
#3: Hollande & Sarkozy: How not to use social media in politics or business (Econsultancy)
#2: Social media both friend and foe for China's new leaders (CNN)
#1: Where America’s Racist Tweets Come From (Mashable)

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Social Media in 2013, Election Fallout, and Instagram Web Profiles in Today's Social 6 News Recap

Happy morning after the morning after! I'm referring, of course, to election night, which spurred a number of follow-up stories I shared out yesterday, and am recapping today. If you're already over the election, no problem: we have a few other highlights, including Instagram's new web profiles, a pee-powered generator (that's one innovation I'd never think of), and predictions on the future of social media by a number of pundits (including yours truly). Here's your Social 6:

#6: Premature Elizabeth Warren Twitter Rumor Dupes News Sites, Journalists  (Mashable)
#5: Twitter’s Best Election Night LOLs (Mashable)
#4: Forget apps and other useless startups: These four African girls have created a pee-powered generator (The Next Web)
#3: Romney Camp Retooling Campaign After Latest Setback  (The Onion)
#2: Setting Your Instagram to ‘Private’ (& why you may want to) (Mashable)
#1: The Future of Social Media: 50 Experts Share 2013 Predictions (Business 2 Community)

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Instagramming Ballots, Sergey Brin's "dread", & 4 more: The Social 6, Election Recap Edition

Busy day yesterday! In case you didn't know, we elected a new president. It just happened to be the same guy as the last one. Still an exciting day, all in all, with the top 2 stories today relating to the election, and the third very interesting with respect to the current Sandy-related gas shortage, and how digital media has played a part in addressing the issue. Without further ago, here's your Social 6:

#6: The Two Sides Of Social Media Marketing (Social Media Explorer)

#5: How Much Have You Invested In Your Social Media Education? (Business 2 Community)

#4: Social Media Marketing - Part 1 (Business 2 Community)

#3: Finding Gas on Long Island: Hess and Business Intelligence (The VAR Guy)

#2: Google co-founder Sergey Brin: "I am dreading today's elections" (CNN Money)

#1: If You Want to Stay Out of Jail, Don't Instagram Your Ballot (All Things D)

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NYC Marathon Social Media Fallout & 5 other stories in the Social 6 Weekend Recap

I don't want you thinking I'm too NYC-centric, between the NYC Marathon fallout and "Sandy Smartphone" stories in the Social 6, weekend recap edition. There were some pretty big stories shared, clicked on, and retweeted by y'all this weekend, and some pretty great stories missed the cut. See, that's what you get for spending the weekend playing with your kids and taking grandma to the mall.

Here's your Social 6:

#6: Why HR Needs to Address Social Media (Infographic) (Business 2 Community)

#5: Was This Social Media Campaign Free Speech or Cyber-Bullying? (Business 2 Community)

#4: 6 Habits of Highly Successful People Using Social Media for Sales (Social Media Today)

#3: Here’s what NYCers think about the Marathon’s Cancellation (JeremyGoldman.com)

#2: How New Yorkers Adjusted to Sudden Smartphone Withdrawal (New York Times Blog)

#1: How NBC is using Instagram to report the 2012 election  (GigaOM)


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Here's what NYCers think about the Marathon's Cancellation

I was a bit torn about the NYC Marathon and whether or not it should be cancelled. Ultimately, I thought yes, but the ineptitude of first leaving it on, then canceling it late in the process, seemed to be the wrong way to go. There are people who flew in because our city's leadership couldn't make up its mind in time.

I thought I'd see what do NYCers think about the Marathon being cancelled, and see if people were as torn about the decision as I was. I checked for tweets within 10km of my zip code in order to find out. I was surprised to see how one-sided opinion seems to be on this issue -- not that I disagree. Here's a taste:


Path for iPad, Salesforce's Partner Growth, and Mobile Tech at Weddings: The Social 6 for 11/2/12

Now that the iPad Mini is finally available for purchase, I think I'll stop queuing up news about it. Frankly, I'm sleeping through new articles a bit - even though you guys are certainly clicking on all of them. Anyhow, time to let a new topic take "Mini Tablet Wars" space in my tweet queue. With or without the iPad Mini, there was plenty of interesting articles to choose from in the last 24 hours, including the below. Here's your Social 6:

#6: The Economics of Bad Outreach  (SocialMediaExplorer)

#5: Path Comes To The iPad, A Platform Dave Morin Calls “The Future Of The Personal Computer” (Techcrunch)

#4: Amazon Pulls iPad Mini Spec Comparison After Speaker Gaffe (PC Magazine)

#3: Salesforce adds 20 partners to its Marketing Cloud (VatorNews)

#2: How Mobile & Social Technology Can Improve a Wedding (Going Social)

#1: The Reputation Graph Is Going to Take Over the World (Huffington Post)

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