The Social 6: the Top Stories You Missed Over the Last 24 Hours, 10/19/12 Edition

Man, did you miss a lot over the last 24 hours. You didn't see Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster's iPad Mini predictions, Facebook potentially making a major move into mobile, and Klout's new moves towards taking Perks more mainstream. Without further ado, here's your Social 6:

#6: The Amway Effect on Social Media Influencers (Huffington Post)

#5: Color's Epic Collapse: Why Everybody Is Loving It  (ReadWriteWeb)

#4: The lure of antisocial behaviour (Financial Times)

#3: Klout Makes Perks Easier to Claim  (Mashable)

#2: Could iPad Mini cannibalize "regular" iPad sales? (CNET)

#1: Facebook Mobile Ad Unit for Apps Now Available to All Developers (Mashable)

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LinkedIn, Women in Binders, and Lynx in The Social 6 News Roundup

I'd normally write more of an intro, but I'm sitting here with my new Community Management Associate, Matthew Lum (AKA @matthewjlum on Twitter), and I know you want to get to the news you missed over the last 24 hours. So, let's dive in, shall we? Here's your binder-less Social 6 for 10/18/12:

#6: Case Study: Restaurant Rewards Customers With Cash-Back Promos (Street Fight)

#5: Aptitude, not influence, makes good social media pros (ZDNet)

#4: Brand Caught Handling Social Media Issue Well! (Marketing Pilgrim)

#3: Lynx Facebook Post Claims Body Spray Can Turn Lesbians Straight (Mashable)

#2: My Tweet-by-Tweet Analysis of Last Night's Debate (

#1: LinkedIn's Profile Refresh Is All About the Visuals -- Just Like Other Social Giants  (All Things D)

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Paperless Post, iPad Mini, and...Bill Nye the Science Guy? The Social 6 for 10/17/12

We're right before holiday season, which means news is definitely picking up. Plenty of worthy candidates over the last 24 hours, but here are the victors - your Social 6 for 10/17/12:

#6: How Bill Nye the Science Guy Would Monitor Social Media (CMSWire)

#5: iPad Mini, Meet Your Ancestors (Baristanet)

#4: Paperless Post Goes Retro And Launches Paper, A New Invitation Printing Business (TechCrunch)

#3: Training Your In-House Social Media Team (Human Resources Journal)

#2: Is Your Business Popular or Influential? (Forbes)

#1: iPad Mini will come in 24 flavors, report says (CNET)

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Highlights from the Debate

As many of you know, I was a Political Science major at Emory University, that fine institution that brought us Kenneth Cole and Newt Gingrich. Given my background, I thought you might want some of my intellectual analysis of last night’s Presidential Debate between Barack Hussein Obama and Willard Mitt Romney. Quick aside: imagine if we had a president named Willard Hussein. Just saying.

And now on to the important stuff:

Sensegon, Gamification, and Social TV highlight the Social 6 News Roundup

Got busy at work yesterday and didn't have a chance to check out what was going on in the worlds of social media, gamification, startups, and social TV? No worries - I have you covered. Here's the Social 6 roundup of the last 24 hours:

#6: YC-Backed Referly Raises $1M To Bring Affiliate Commerce To Everyone (TechCrunch)

#5: Can social media drive real sustainable change? (The Guardian blog)

#4: Questions and Answers on How The Times Handles Online Comments (New York Times blog)

#3: Sensegon Plans To Improve Ad Targeting Based On Your Personality (TechCrunch)

#2: Are you being played? How tech companies use gamification (VentureBeat)

#1: Why Social Media Needs TV and TV Needs Social (Ad Age)

The Social 6 Weekend Edition: News You May Have Missed

Welcome back to the Internet, folks. I know some of you take breaks for the weekend, and I don't blame you. In fact, I salute you. That being said, if you were off the Internet over the weekend, you might have missed these stories. Here's your Social 6, weekend recap edition:

#6: Vocus tackles digital marketing, hires hundreds (Baltimore Sun blog)

#5: Dropbox's new Android update puts a major focus on photographs (TechCrunch)

#4: Is Google Going Cold on Zagat? (Technorati)

#3: How Harlem's small business owners are using social media to get ahead (The Uptowner)

#2: iPad Mini Event Will Have Big iBooks Component  (Apple Bitch blog)

#1 How LinkedIn's Executive Editor, Dan Roth, became the most powerful digital business journalist (Business Insider)

Seriously? A Saturday Social 6 Saturated Sans iPad Mini Stories

Dear Apple: can you please announce the iPad Mini already so people can talk about something else? Seriously, folks. I try to keep the Social 6 to the six stories most clicked & shared over the past 24 hours, and for better or for worse, that seems like the top thing y'all care about. There's also a great use of social marketing for presidential campaigns, background on foursquare from its CEO's perspective, and more - but it's mainly iPad Mini.

Here's your Social 6:

#6: Mouthee’s Social Recommendations Platform Makes It Easy To Share Word-Of-Mouth (Get It?) Reviews (TechCrunch)

#4: Dennis Crowley: Foursquare Considered Selling, Is The Best Local Search Tool On The Planet (TechCrunch)

#2: Obama Campaign Buys Ads for ‘Malarkey’ Hashtag on Twitter (Mashable)

#1: Why the timing of iPad Mini's launch is brilliant (Financial Post)

Baby Boomers, iPad Mini Accessories, and Facebook Follower ROI in the Social 6 for 10/12/12

Hey look, it's the Social 6! This is the first time in awhile not a single one of the articles came from Mashable, oddly enough. There's plenty of good reading below, capped by a very nice piece by @sarahneedleman & @EvelynRusli. Here's your Social 6:

#6: ComScore: Instagram attracts more site engagement than Twitter on smartphones (Brafton)

#5: Social media or sex? A study shows more people are going online (WHP TV)

#4: All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: The solo entrepreneur's guide to social media time management (Crain's Chicago Business blog)

#2: Retailers gearing up for Apple's 'iPad mini' with plans for accessory displays (Apple Insider)

#1: What's a Facebook Follower Worth? (Wall Street Journal)

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Gamification, Jobhunting, iPad Mini, and. . . Cats? The Social 6 News Roundup for 10/11/12

I hope you guys were doing your jobs yesterday, as opposed to scouring Twitter, Google+, and the like for social media-news. Not to fret if you missed anything, since I have the 6 links that were most shared, liked, and clicked on within my social circles yesterday. Never saw a social media list featuring forum statistics, tablet news, gamification, and...cats? Well, now you have. Here's today's Social 6 news roundup:

These 10 Cats Hate Toasters, Popcorn and Treadmills  (Mashable)

Why Tracking Social Media Sales is so Difficult! (Business 2 Community)

Forums Outperform Blogs In Social Media Use  (Social Media Explorer)

Job Seekers Choose Facebook Over LinkedIn, Twitter [STUDY]  (Mashable)

Talk of the Day -- iPad mini to debut next week? (Focus Taiwan)

The 'Gamification' of CRM Finally Comes to Salesforce--But is it Enough? (Midsize Insider)

The Social 6, Birthday Edition!

No, silly, it's not the Social 6's birthday - it's mine! I thought I'd spend my birthday bringing you some of the best stories of the last 24 hours, including Twitter's new VP of design's choice in Twitter clients, how Zynga continues to slide, and analyst expectations of the iPad Mini.

Here's your Social 6:

#6: “Gangnam Style” Fever! A Viral Marketing Sensation [Video] (Business 2 Community)

#5: Why Citizens Demand More Social Media in Law Enforcement (Mashable)

#4: Developing Social Networks in Uganda (Knowledge Wharton Today)

#3: Investors Steering Dollars Away From Social Games Ever Since Zynga's IPO (All Things D)

#2: Twitter’s New VP of Design Doesn’t Use Twitter’s Mobile App (Mashable)

#1: iPad Mini Will Outshine iPad 3, So Says One Analyst (Mobile Magazine)

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