PumpUp, QueSocial, & “New” YouTube: the Social 6 for 1/5/13

As you might have noted, in my daily link sharing, I’m trying to focus on posting more tips & tactics that you can use for social media success this year, as opposed to just today’s news highlights. While we still have a few news items for you (PumpUp & QueSocial are two good names to… Continue reading PumpUp, QueSocial, & “New” YouTube: the Social 6 for 1/5/13

Fotobar, 2013 Predictions, and Apple+Waze: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/3/13

Welcome back, and a happy 2013 to all. This is the first Social 6 of the new year, which means we’ll likely see plenty of 2013 predictions over the next few days. We have a few of those today — including one by yours truly — but also rumors about the excellent mapping app, Waze,… Continue reading Fotobar, 2013 Predictions, and Apple+Waze: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/3/13

Poke vs. Snapchat & Social Media Hoaxes: the Social 6 for 12/22/12

It’s been a very busy few days following Business 2 Community, as B2C as just been on fire with great content lately. A lot of news on Facebook’s new Poke app, which will compete against popular sexting app Snapchat (and I already feel bad for having to type “sexting.”) Not to mention, a big roundup… Continue reading Poke vs. Snapchat & Social Media Hoaxes: the Social 6 for 12/22/12

2012 Lists, Eloqua Acquisition, and Flipboard: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/21/12

Happy Friday, folks. We made it! We made it, that is, through a day that had plenty of interesting “Top ___s of 2012” lists, as well as news about Eloqua’s new corporate parent, Facebook’s new privacy settings, and more. Overall, a pretty eventful day, as it was hard to limit myself to just six stories… Continue reading 2012 Lists, Eloqua Acquisition, and Flipboard: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/21/12

Glossi, Cory Booker, and Likeable Departments: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/5/12

I’ll admit it, we have a bit of a different pool than I usually share in the Social 6, given that so many links I shared yesterday weren’t really Social 6-esque (sharing my Crunchies voting for my friends at Mirror, for example). We still have some pretty clickworthy stories, including the rising food justice movement… Continue reading Glossi, Cory Booker, and Likeable Departments: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/5/12

Spotify Apps, Cover Photo Crackdown, and the Rise of the PANK: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/3/12

Welcome back, everyone! I know a lot of you take a breather from being deeply embedded in news sources the entire week and I don’t blame you. That being said, we had a very useful stories last week, from how to leverage apps to improve your Spotify music discovery, to the risk of the PANK,… Continue reading Spotify Apps, Cover Photo Crackdown, and the Rise of the PANK: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/3/12

Facebook Monetization, MyHeritage, Banjo, & Reddit: the Social 6 for 11/29/12

There was just so much goodness going around yesterday that this story about 500px’s arrival on iPhone got crowded out – and 500px is a pretty sharp site/platform/service. I’d have put it in the top 6, but alas, the rules are the same as always: whatever I share that you guys click on & share the most,… Continue reading Facebook Monetization, MyHeritage, Banjo, & Reddit: the Social 6 for 11/29/12

Diabetes Awareness, King.com, Foodily, Strayboots Top the Social 6 for 11/16/12

As you guys know, the Social 6 isn’t just about what yesterday’s top stories were; it’s about finding some hidden gems that might wind up being important but didn’t necessarilly grab “above the fold” placement. Here’s your Social 6: #6: Urban Tour Guide Game StrayBoots Launches Out Of SMS; iPhone App Available Now  (TechCrunch) #5:… Continue reading Diabetes Awareness, King.com, Foodily, Strayboots Top the Social 6 for 11/16/12

Spotify, Bonobos, Lead Gen, and Law Firms’ Social Media Use in the Social 6 for 11/13/12

In case you were busy, oh, working on Monday, we’ve got you covered. The last day saw a number of good stories, from a duo of strong Business 2 Community pieces, to the 2nd part of my two-part discussion with Bonobos’ John Rote over on the Going Social companion site, to Spotify’s (de)valuation. Here’s your… Continue reading Spotify, Bonobos, Lead Gen, and Law Firms’ Social Media Use in the Social 6 for 11/13/12

The Social 6 Weekend Edition: News You May Have Missed

Welcome back to the Internet, folks. I know some of you take breaks for the weekend, and I don’t blame you. In fact, I salute you. That being said, if you were off the Internet over the weekend, you might have missed these stories. Here’s your Social 6, weekend recap edition: #6: Vocus tackles digital marketing,… Continue reading The Social 6 Weekend Edition: News You May Have Missed