Gay Marriage, Women Entrepreneurs, YouTube Shutting Down: the Social 6 Weekend Edition

Wow, a pretty busy weekend in terms of the quality of the links that were being passed around. Of course, given it happens to be the first of April, the YouTube story simply had to be in the top spot (and it's fun to watch). Yet the two marriage equality links, content sharing techniques, and more shared below are definitely worth more than a look as well. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Facebook's Gay Marriage Map (AllThingsD)

#5: Walmart's Latest Bright Idea: Let Customers Do the Schlepping  (Ecommerce Times)

#4: The Strategy Behind the Viral Red Marriage Equality Campaign (Mashable)

#3: Why are there not more women entrepreneurs? (Forbes)

#2: 43 Proven Content Shares That'll Help You Start Conversations In Your Social Networks (Business 2 Community)

#1: YouTube Announces It's Shutting Down & Picking a Winner (Going Social)

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Poland Spring, Kickstarter, Tim Cook, Graph Search: the Social 6 for 2/14/13

Busy busy day, I tell you! All you kids weren't too busy with Valentine's Day, it seems like – you were clicking and tweeting up a storm based on everything that I shared out today. We had quite a few good stories, including Poland Spring's activity (or lack thereof) regarding the Marco Rubio's parched throat, Kickstarter's push towards mobile, and whether or not IT or Marketing really is at the helm with respect to new technology adoption. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Tempo Smart Calendar for iPhone launches as a digital assistant to prepare you for your next meeting

#5: In Tech, Does IT or Marketing Rule? (New York Times blog)

#4: Things to like about Facebook Graph Search (The Droid Guy)

#3: The Patient and Telling Vocabulary of Apple CEO Tim Cook (Ecommerce Times)

#2: Poland Spring Missed A Realtime Social Media Splash, And It Doesn’t Matter (SocialFresh)

#1: Kickstarter launches its mobile offensive with a new iOS app (The Next Web)

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Wellness Apps, Fashion GPS, & Facebook Selling Tickets? The Social 6 for 2/11/13

Happy Monday, everyone! Plenty of great articles abounded today, including a few late shares on my part, admittedly. Today we had Facebook's new experimentation with selling tickets, Graph vs. Google, and how Fitbit and four other apps are improving employee health. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Just in time for NYFW, Fashion GPS Breaks Into The Notoriously Tech-Averse Fashion Industry (TechCrunch)

#5: The Truth Behind Your Facebook friends [CARTOON]  (Mashable)

#4: Facebook is testing ‘Buy Tickets’ links for events. Is it getting into the ticketing biz?  (TheNextWeb)

#3: The Mentality of Being Number Two  (Business 2 Community)

#2: How Facebook's Graph Search Will Dethrone Google Search (

#1: 5 Social Apps To Encourage Employee Health and Wellness (Mashable)


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Tumblr, Taylor (Swift), and Turbulence (Over Graph Search): the Social 6 for 1/25/13

Yesterday I shared a lot, and you guys clicked and shared even more, making it really tricky to curate the Social 6, since quite a few noteworthy stories & pieces got left out. Still, we had a great 24-hour news cycle, highlighted by Keds' big Taylor Swift campaign, quite a few Facebook Graph Search pieces -- including two that disagree with one another -- and the most clickworthy of the day, a new guest post on the Going Social site by content & community standout Tanya Barrios. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Keds' Taylor Swift campaign spends across traditional & social media channels (New York Times)

#5: No, Facebook's Graph Search Is Not Turning Up Racists and Cheaters (New York Magazine)

#4: You Can't Hide from Facebook Graph Search (Businessweek)

#3: Tumblr launches quicker, Twitter-like post creation for a smaller and more streamlined experience (The Next Web)

#2: Facebook Graph Search Shows You 'Married People Who Like Prostitutes' & 'Employers Of People Who Like Racism' (Forbes)

#1: 3 Essential Steps to Handling a Social Media Crisis (Going Social)

Yammer's new HQ, Aaron Swartz Investigation, and Pentagon's Twitter Love: the Social 6 for 1/15/13

Busy Monday for you? I'm sure. In case you didn't have time to browse the Web enough, rest assured it was a busy day all around the Internet yesterday, with more news coming out about Aaron Swartz's tragic death, Yammer's impressive new digs, and my announcing that we'd start to dole out bite-sized chunks of Going Social for those who (shockingly) don't have a copy yet. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Done Not Done: This app helps you remember movies, books and music you plan to check out (The Next Web)

#5: Yammer's new massive SF headquarters (The Next Web)

#4: The Pentagon is seeking ways to predict the future by monitoring Twitter, blogs (Mashable)

#3: The Facebook Measurement Landscape In 2013 (Likeable blog)

#2: MIT To Launch Internal Investigation Following Death Of Aaron Swartz (ReadWriteWeb)

#1: Going Social begins giving away free book excerpts via Email Signup (Going Social blog)

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iPhone Anniversary, LinkedIn Milestone, & F-Commerce: the Social 6 for 1/10/13

Another big Business 2 Community day for my social sharing, as you guys definitely clicked on and shared plenty of B2C articles. However, that's not all we have in store for you, with LinkedIn hitting another major milestone, as well as my Going Social piece for iPhone productivity apps to celebrate the Apple device's sixth anniversary. Here's your Social 6:

#6: 4 Social Media Sales Tips (Business 2 Community)

#5: Generate Sales with Facebook (Business 2 Community)

#4: LinkedIn vs the Recruiting Industry  (Business 2 Community)

#3: LinkedIn hits 200 million members from more than 200 countries  (The Next Web)

#2: Twitter + Print: Combining the New and the Old to Grow Your Business  (Business 2 Community)

#1: Top 8 Apps for Better iPhone Productivity in 2013 (Going Social)

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Fotobar, 2013 Predictions, and Apple+Waze: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/3/13

Welcome back, and a happy 2013 to all. This is the first Social 6 of the new year, which means we'll likely see plenty of 2013 predictions over the next few days. We have a few of those today -- including one by yours truly -- but also rumors about the excellent mapping app, Waze, possibly on Apple's acquisition list, Polaroid's innovative Fotobar stores, and the best health-related apps to kick off the new year with. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Polaroid to launch Fotobar stores designed to print photos from our smartphones (The Next Web)

#5: 2013 Prediction: Suffering from Information Overload, Consumers to Say No to Mediocre Content  (SocialFresh)

#4: The Best Health And Fitness Apps For Your New Year’s Needs (TechCrunch)

#3: Rumor: Apple May Buy Crowdsourced Mapping App Waze (Search Engine Land)

#2: Will Twitter Become The ‘De Facto’ Communication Tool For World Leaders In 2013? (Mediabistro)

#1: 7 Bold Predictions for Social & Mobile in 2013 (Going Social)

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Blog Tips, Gamification, and Tasti D-Lite: the Social 6 for 12/20/12

Today we've got a heavy dose of Business 2 Community, which is typically a fascinating read -- if you're not following B2C generally I recommend it, as it contains plenty of very practical tips and thought. Actually, overall this is probably one of the least "newsy" days I've had on record, but still plenty of good reading, including my profile of Tasti D-Lite for the Going Social blog. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Cleveland Clinic Diagnoses Health-Care Act  (Wall Street Journal)

#5: Facebook is the New Word of Mouth Marketing (Business 2 Community)

#4: Mario Brothers and Level-up Leadership: Social Entrepreneurship, Gamification, and Religion (Forbes)

#3: 4 Tips for Writing a Blog Post Opening that Turns Heads  (Business 2 Community)

#2: Gain a Social Edge With HootSuite, Topsy, Klout and Buffer  (Business 2 Community)

#1: Tasti D-Lite’s Recipe for Going Social? Technology and Leadership (Going Social)

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Newsjacking Sandy Hook, Google Plus Upgrades, and Airline VIPs: the Social 6 for 12/15/12

It's hard to imagine anything eclipsing yesterdays horrific shootings in Connecticut - and at least on the Social 6, nothing didn't. But it was the story of the day by a large margin, with idiots even pretending to be the now-dead shooter on Facebook. KMart got in on the newsjacking fun in our top spot today. We also did have some positive news, such as PowToon's funding, some great reporting on how social media is affecting VIP treatment on airlines, and more. Here's your Social 6:

#6: DIY Animation Platform PowToon Grabs $600K For Its Video Creation Software  (TechCrunch)

#5: [VIDEO] Melanie Notkin, AKA Savvy Auntie talks about social influence & building her business [VIDEO]

#4: Big Google+ Upgrade Includes Full-Size Photo Backups  (Mashable)

#3: The Navigator: With social media, airlines have a new kind of VIP  (Washington Post)

#2: The top 12 internet characters of 2012 (Your Community @ CBCnews)

#1: KMart Wins the Idiotic Newsjacking Brand of the Day Award for its Insensitive Tweet  (Going Social)

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