Fox News Gaffes, Basecamp, Rental Boyfriends, & Racial Bias in Google Ads? The Social 6, Weekend Recap

Hope you all enjoyed this past weekend! If you were off gallivanting, you may have missed some of the top stories I shared and subsequently, were re-shared/clicked on by my social audience. This weekend we had great news & views including Basecamp's official iOS debut after years and years, some troubling data about Google ads, Twitter's effectiveness as a job search guide, and more. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Upcoming tech & media events you should attend [Discounts] (The Next Web)

#5: Single This Valentine's Day? Get a Rental Boyfriend (Jezebel)

#4: Basecamp Finally Launches An “Official” iOS App (TechCrunch)

#3: Fox News Accidentally Uses Photo of Gay Couple To Illustrate Traditional Gender Roles (Jezebel)

#2: How to Effectively Use Twitter as a Job Search Resource (Mashable)

#1: Racial Bias in Google Ads? (Ecommerce Times)

Graph Search Tumblrs, Apple Releases, & Super Bowl Ads: the Social 6 for 1/31/13

There was plenty of great articles to read around the Internet today, but out of everything I shared, the most clicked on and shared piece was my interview on Of course, there's plenty more great reading, including what Super Bowl ads to look forward to, how Google+ can fit into a job search, and how Graph Search is making Tumblr a more fun place. Here's your Social 6:

#6: There's More Behind Apple's Blithe iPad Release Than Meets the Eye (Ecommerce Times)

#5: Why Job Hunters Need To Start Using Google Plus (AOL Jobs)

#4: The 5 most buzz-worthy Super Bowl ads to watch ( blog)

#3: #Me: Instagram Narcissism And The Scourge Of The Selfie (ReadWriteWeb)

#2: Tumblr serves up hilariously awful Facebook Graph searches (The Age)

#1: Does Your Startup Need A Social Media Expert? Five Questions To Find Out (Forbes)

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Vine, Graph Search, #CMAD, and Google+ Rising: the Social 6 for 1/28/13

Today was a busy day out there, with more views about Facebook's Graph Search, a great Likeable post in honor of Community Manager Appreciation Day, and more on Vine (Christopher S. Penn's first line made me laugh out loud. Here's your Social 6:

#6: 3 Reasons Facebook Graph Search Is Not A Marketer's Dream (Fast Company)

#5: How to make the most of Vine 6 second videos (Christopher S. Penn blog)

#4: 5 Things Every Community Manager Must Have (that’s not in their job description) (Likeable blog)

#3: 6 Trends Reshaping Small Businesses In 2013 (Forbes)

#2: What Multilocation Brands Need to Do to Prepare for Facebook’s Graph Search  (Street Fight)

#1: Google Plus Becomes World's No. 2 Social Network After Facebook, Knocking off Twitter (International Business Times)

Influencers, Storify, France's Social Data Tax, & More: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/22/13

Starting today, we (and by we, I mean me) will be posting the Social 6 the same day news happens as opposed to the next morning. So today, January 22nd, we saw plenty of great news stories, including more on the Storify privacy loopholes, France's ideas for taxing personal data collectors such as Google and Facebook, and how some employers' social media policies may not be 100% legal. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Influencers vs. Advocates in New Media (Huffington Post)

#5: Storify Loophole Publishes Private Facebook Updates (Mashable)

#4: Should Google and Facebook be taxed for collecting your personal data? France thinks so (The Next Web)

#3: 16 Inspiring Examples of Interactive Maps in Web Design (Web Design Ledger)

#2: Employers' social media policies come under regulatory scrutiny  (New York Times)

#1: The power of brand marketing as a floor (Christopher S. Penn blog)


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PumpUp, QueSocial, & "New" YouTube: the Social 6 for 1/5/13

As you might have noted, in my daily link sharing, I'm trying to focus on posting more tips & tactics that you can use for social media success this year, as opposed to just today's news highlights. While we still have a few news items for you (PumpUp & QueSocial are two good names to watch), today we have YouTube's new layout, ways to become a better blogger in 2013, and probably most importantly, a great piece on why you need to stop ignoring Google+. Here's your Social 6:

#6: PumpUp Launches Personal Fitness App To Tackle Workout Bordom (BetaKit)

#5: QueSocial Finds Your Social Media ROI (Tech Cocktail)

#4: 5 Ways to Stay in Front of your Blogging Goals (Business 2 Community)

#3: Meet Tumblr's First Artist in Residence (Mashable)

#2: YouTube's New Layout: What is New and How It Affects You (Business 2 Community)

#1: Stop Whining And Embrace Google+ Already  (ReadWriteWeb)

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Instagram Drama, Google Plus Upgrades, and More: the Social 6 for 12/19/12

Morning, team! Yesterday was a bit too busy to run a Social 6 as usual, but the continuing drama around Instagram's privacy policy make a few appearances on today's roundup of yesterday's most important stories. Also noteworthy is Google's continuing moves to, essentially, turn Google Plus into a monster that touches upon all of your Google-related interactions. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Running a competition on Twitter or Facebook? How to get the basics right  (Memeburn)

#5: Google Plus pushes more improvements (better photos, Hangouts, mobile apps)  (MakeUseOf)

#4: Google Plus Testing Social Sharing Bar  (Mashable)

#3: The case for choosing Flickr over Instagram  (ReadWriteWeb)

#2: Is Facebook Advertising Worth The Investment?  (Business 2 Community)

#1: Instagram Responds: 'We Hear You' [but offers little in way of apologies]  (Mashable)

Instagramming Ballots, Sergey Brin's "dread", & 4 more: The Social 6, Election Recap Edition

Busy day yesterday! In case you didn't know, we elected a new president. It just happened to be the same guy as the last one. Still an exciting day, all in all, with the top 2 stories today relating to the election, and the third very interesting with respect to the current Sandy-related gas shortage, and how digital media has played a part in addressing the issue. Without further ago, here's your Social 6:

#6: The Two Sides Of Social Media Marketing (Social Media Explorer)

#5: How Much Have You Invested In Your Social Media Education? (Business 2 Community)

#4: Social Media Marketing - Part 1 (Business 2 Community)

#3: Finding Gas on Long Island: Hess and Business Intelligence (The VAR Guy)

#2: Google co-founder Sergey Brin: "I am dreading today's elections" (CNN Money)

#1: If You Want to Stay Out of Jail, Don't Instagram Your Ballot (All Things D)

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