Highlights from last night's GOP Debate

As some of you know, I like to live tweet events. This includes presidential debates. I was a political science major and I love politics. And if any of you think this is partisan, feel free to look at what I tweet when the "other side" is debating.

Here's how last night went down:

First off, below: it's a cheap shot, but hey, he opened the door. To the pyramid.

I give Carly Fiorina points for A) going to the same business school as me, and B) presenting very well at debates, but her inaccurate statements annoy me a good deal.

Points to Rubio for being topical, but why are mobile games important to any serious debate? I mean...I am actually asking this question.

One of the things that admittedly annoys me to no end is when everyone agrees to the rules - such as time limits - and then they totally get thrown out the window.

The long trailer for the Benghazi movie seemed to get good critical response, leading me to comment:

And then...it was over. I'm happy this debate was more substantive than some of the others, but still would have liked them to force candidates to give more specific policy answers. And, kind of wanted Christie on the main stage. Curious what you guys thought; tweet me anytime!

Home Depot remains silent after a Murder-Suicide in New York

Should a company remain silent after a tragedy? And, how long are they allowed to remain silent until they are called out on it? That's what I wondered after the Home Depot shooting in New York today, just a few miles from where I live.

I used to pass by that Home Depot all the time, when I was working at iluminage, the Unilever-backed startup that I cofounded. It was shocking when I heard about the murder-suicide that occurred earlier today, at about 2:40 PM. Almost as shocking was the fact that social media was abuzz about the Home Depot shooting - yet there was one important voice missing.

You could read about the shooting and here commentary from social handles of The Guardian, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the many other sources. Seemingly, the only place you couldn't get any information was from Home Depot. This, despite the fact that customers and employees were tweeting to @HomeDepot and publishing to Home Depot's Facebook page.

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In a time like this, even before all of the facts have a emerged, I just think it's very important that in organization acknowledged that something happened. After an event so tragic, constituents are hurting emotionally, and hearing from the organization in question can only help. I truly do feel for Home Depot management for having to deal with a tragedy like this - just like I feel for its greater community, that would appreciate hearing a few words from management.

For more: Employee ‘fatally shoots’ manager, self at NYC Home Depot (New York Post)

Rush Limbaugh thinks James Bond's defining attributes are being white and Scottish

Yet another story that's irritating me today. “James Bond is a total concept put together by Ian Fleming,” Limbaugh said. “He was white and Scottish, period. That is who James Bond is.” So apparently those are Bond's two defining attributes according to Rush.

Weird, I never though James Bond's defining attributes were being white and Scottish. Maybe Scottish, but not the white part. Do people really go to Bond films saying "eh, I liked it OK, but they didn't pull off his white-ness in this one?"

If anything, didn't it make a wee bit less sense to have Elba playing a Norse god?


Rush Limbaugh fumes: Idris Elba can’t play ’007′ because ‘James Bond is white and Scottish, period’

But hey, I still enjoyed Thor...

Read more: Rush Limbaugh fumes: Idris Elba can’t play ’007′ because ‘James Bond is white and Scottish, period’.

Twitter for Business, SEC & Social Media, and Digital Resumes: the Social 6 for 4/2/13

Folks, I'm not going to lie to you: April 2nd had a flew of good news & views around the social web. Now, I know the boss of your boss' boss called you in for a four-hour meeting and you didn't get caught up on your reading. No worries! I've got you covered. Here's your Social 6:

#6: A Google Plus Overview: Breaking Through Misconceptions [INFOGRAPHIC] (Social Media Today)

#5: 9 Social Media #Workhacks To Make Your Company More Likeable Online (Likeable Media blog)

#4: Goodbye, Paper Resumés. Now You Can Tweet To Get Hired (Refinery29)

#3: 10 Reasons You're Not Getting a Raise (& What You Can Do About It) (Lifehacker)

#2: Reimagining SEC disclosure for a social media world (Wall Street Journal)

#1: Twitter Relaunches Twitter for Business (Mashable)


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Social Media in 2013, Election Fallout, and Instagram Web Profiles in Today's Social 6 News Recap

Happy morning after the morning after! I'm referring, of course, to election night, which spurred a number of follow-up stories I shared out yesterday, and am recapping today. If you're already over the election, no problem: we have a few other highlights, including Instagram's new web profiles, a pee-powered generator (that's one innovation I'd never think of), and predictions on the future of social media by a number of pundits (including yours truly). Here's your Social 6:

#6: Premature Elizabeth Warren Twitter Rumor Dupes News Sites, Journalists  (Mashable)
#5: Twitter’s Best Election Night LOLs (Mashable)
#4: Forget apps and other useless startups: These four African girls have created a pee-powered generator (The Next Web)
#3: Romney Camp Retooling Campaign After Latest Setback  (The Onion)
#2: Setting Your Instagram to ‘Private’ (& why you may want to) (Mashable)
#1: The Future of Social Media: 50 Experts Share 2013 Predictions (Business 2 Community)

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The Social 6 Weekend Edition: News You May Have Missed

Welcome back to the Internet, folks. I know some of you take breaks for the weekend, and I don't blame you. In fact, I salute you. That being said, if you were off the Internet over the weekend, you might have missed these stories. Here's your Social 6, weekend recap edition:

#6: Vocus tackles digital marketing, hires hundreds (Baltimore Sun blog)

#5: Dropbox's new Android update puts a major focus on photographs (TechCrunch)

#4: Is Google Going Cold on Zagat? (Technorati)

#3: How Harlem's small business owners are using social media to get ahead (The Uptowner)

#2: iPad Mini Event Will Have Big iBooks Component  (Apple Bitch blog)

#1 How LinkedIn's Executive Editor, Dan Roth, became the most powerful digital business journalist (Business Insider)

Twitter & China, Google+ & Journalism, and Social Media + Screwups: The Social 6

Lots of fun news & views yesterday while I was wallowing away in synagogue for Yom Kippur. Yesterday we had a great set of pieces clicked on & shared by you guys, including Twitter's interesting strength within China, potential good news for the iPad Mini, and G+'s effect on journalism. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Teenagers urged to create social media campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles (Scottish Daily Record)

#5: Why Eyeballs No Longer Matter For Startups (ReadWriteWeb)

#4: Social Media’s Biggest Screw-Ups [INFOGRAPHIC] (Mashable)

#3: How Journalists Are Using Google+ (ReadWriteWeb)

#2: Study says half of Americans are unimpressed with Kindle Fire HD, more interested in iPad mini (Borneo Post)

#1: Report: Twitter’s most active country is China (where it is blocked) (The Next Web)

China & Twitter seems to get along more than expected.

The Social 6: Stories You Missed This Past Weekend, 8/27/12

Social Media 101: Getting Started On The Top Social Networks - Business 2 Community

Reading this Business to Community piece made me feel like I was reading one of the earlier chapters of my upcoming book Going Social (shameless plug). Really nice set of tips if you're just starting out.

How Congregation Beth Elohim in Park Slope developed a winning social media campaign

I don't normally share Jewish news despite growing up as a Modern Orthodox Jew, but this crosses over into my love for leveraging social platforms to create value. This Clodagh McGowan (great name) on Brooklyn Ink gives great insight as to how the congregation used grassroots support to create a powerful campaign.

Big investors rethinking social media

This San Francisco Chronicle piece outlines how the stock market's treatment of Facebook, Zynga and Groupon has led many Silicon Valley insiders to rethink their investments in social platforms. I believe this to be ultimately a good thing, as investors will really be thinking about what companies are working on initiatives that can be monetized in the near future, versus companies that brag about how many users they have without a clear path towards building impressive revenue numbers.

How Instagram's New Geotagging Feature Can Be Used by Brands

While the title is somewhat misleading in that Instagram has had geotagging for awhile (its Photo Map is truly the new innovation), this article by Allie Snelius outlines some of the opportunities now available to brands.

She's 14, Going on 140 Characters

This New York Times piece really elicited a ton of clicks. It profiles Maude Apatow and her intense Twitter following of 67,000+. Pretty nice profile; I personally loved seeing how her famous director/producer father, Judd, uses Twitter to engage with her.

Barry Diller's InterActive Corp acquires About.com for $300M

Pretty big business move, as Barry Diller’s massive but surprisingly under-the-radar Internet conglomerate InterActiveCorp (IAC) has purchased About.com for $300 million in cash, according to reporting from the New York Times and Mashable.


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The Social 6: 8/25/12 News Roundup

Social media in sustainability: your questions answered

This Guardian piece is a Q&A with Dana Poole, a global digital communications consultant with BP. The answers given here are useful not just for a social media practitioner interested in sustainability, but for anyone involved with social marketing in general.

Storytelling, One Frame at a Time

Want a compelling for how visuals elicit engagement on social platforms? Look no further.

Global communications agency M Booth developed this great Infographic from multiple data sources,which was then shared on Mashable, which I then pinned, and later tweeted. Don't you just love how information spreads these days?

Facebook releases update for iPhone/iPad app, claims it's twice as fast

I'll admit I was late on sharing this news: the new "5.0" version of Facebook's iOS app debuted Thursday on the App Store, debuting to largely solid if not spectacular reviews.

What's wrong with Microsoft's new logo, & how to avoid the same mistakes

Microsoft unveiled its new logo this past week, and many have called it an outright failure. While there's truth in the fact that a logo might have less power for a multinational conglomerate for which most people have quite established views already, it's hard to argue logos simply don't matter. This Entrepreneur piece by Jason Fell outlines what went wrong, and how to avoid those pitfalls yourself.

Multiple People Shot Near Empire State Building

I work a few blocks from the Empire State Building, and yet I found out about the situation via social media. Within minutes, the news of the shooting was seemingly everywhere. Yesterday's shooting was another case study in how quickly journalists need to get the story right, as there's such pressure to be the first to report on details.

Apple v. Samsung verdict, & what it means

As you've probably read, a judge had a $1 Billion+ settlement in favor of Apple in its case against Samsung.  We'll probably be dissecting this case for awhile to come, but Rachel King's ZD Net piece begins to frame how Samsung and other phone manufacturers will have to steer pretty clear of designs and gestures originated by Apple in the future. When you think about it, isn't that better for us consumers?