, KitchMe, BBC Hacks, Twitter & TV Ratings: the Social 6 for 3/21/13
Crazy crazy day, running from meeting to meeting, and yet the links I shared today seemed to go nuts with you guys.'s Google Analytics capabilities actually ran away with today's top link by a large margin, but there's plenty more great reading to be found here, so let's dive in, shall we? Here's your Social 6:
#6: Acquires Pinterest-Like Recipe & Meal Planning Service KitchMe (TechCrunch)
#5: Twitter Untangles Its Overgrown Org Chart (AllThingsD)
#4: BBC Weather’s Twitter account has been hijacked by anti-Syrian hackers (The Next Web)
#3: Street Fight Daily: Pinterest Buys Livestar, Starbucks' Shoddy Square Rollout (Street Fight)
#2: More Twitter Chatter Correlates to Higher TV Ratings, Study Reveals (Mashable)
#1:’s new Google Analytics tool sends you weekly Web metric reports as infographics (The Next Web)
Flattr, Listly, Foursquare, Flickr's iOS app, Pinterest's New Look: the Social 6 for 3/18/13
Busy Monday in real life and on the Interwebz, folks! I kid you not. What's interesting is that today really didn't have any runaway winner for first place, but we've got plenty of great links today. Interestingly enough, for the most part they're all focused on visuals and startups. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Flattr now lets you make $$ from Twitter Favorites, Instagram Likes & more (The Next Web)
#5: Social Media Campaign to Reunite Auschwitz Twins "A7733" & "A7734" (The Times of Israel)
#4: Listly goes premium with its revamped list-building platform, and gets more mobile friendly too (The Next Web)
#3: Does Foursquare have a Yelp Problem? (AllThingsD)
#2: Flickr's iOS app update features great support for hashtags (The Next Web)
#1: Pinterest shares how its new look lets users discover more of what they love (Pinterest)
SXSW Prep, Pinterest Strategy, EasilyDo, and Klout vs. Kred: the Social 6 for 3/5/13
Busy, busy day out there! Today's clicks and shares were off the charts, I tell you. If you have ten minutes to kill -- or more -- we have plenty of great pieces for you. Today we have a buffet of great stuff, from the battle between Klout & Kred, the ramp-up to SXSW, why most of today's social media is going to be around in one way or another in the future. Here's your Social 6:
#6: To-Do List's EasilyDo App Launches A Tool For Creating Automated Tasks (TechCrunch)
#5: Klout Vs. Kred: Which, If Any, Is Better For Your Business? (Forbes)
#4: Warming Up for South by Southwest Interactive 2013 (New York Times blog)
#3: Pinterest Strategy: Are You Pinning with Purpose? (Social Media Today)
#2: 10 top trends and tips for social and mobile in 2013 (Eye For Travel)
#1: Why (So Much of) Social Media is Here to Stay (Going Social)
Related articles
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Tweeting Bikes Coming to South by Southwest
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Pandora Listening Limits, CRM Tools, Mobile Security, Chinese Social Media: the Social 6 for 2/28/13
Happy March, everyone! Yesterday ended February on a high note, with enough in the way of interesting news & views that some stellar stories didn't even hit the top six. There's plenty below worth a few minutes of your time, from which mobile devices are safer for your business computing, CRM tools of all sorts that you can use to propel your business forward, and the changes to Pandora that might affect your music streaming habits. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Appthority finds iOS Apps Leak More Personal Info Than Android Apps (ReadWrite)
#5: Chinese citizens turn the tables & use surveillance + social media to expose corrupt officials (The Verge)
#4: Aliza Sherman's Pinterest 5-day intro course on Pinterest starting March 4 (Ruzuku)
#3: The perils of living our lives online (ReadWrite)
#2: 7 Social CRM Tools You Need to Know About (Social Media Today)
#1: Pandora forced to put limits on free music listening (ReadWrite)
Pinterest Redesign, Bizarre Apps, & Facebook Groups: the Social 6 for 1/29/13
Today's news roundup is interesting because it's pretty low on news per se, but rich on really useful tips to drive your business forward, from Facebook Groups to social media tools and apps both productive and bizarre. And then, of course, there's Pinterest's new redesign, which many of you weighed in on and thought might help propel Pinterest forward to a place of greater relevancy. Here's your Social 6:
#6: [EVENT] Macro Trends for 2013: Where Do We Go From Here? (
#5: Everything You Wanted to Know About Facebook Groups (Mashable)
#4: Ultimate Recap: The 12 Best New Social Media Tools from 2012 (SocialFresh)
#3: Foursquare launches dedicated iPhone app for US businesses, w/analytics, local updates, more (The Next Web)
#2: 11 Bizarre Facebook Apps You Won't Believe (Mashable)
#1: Take a Peek at Pinterest's New Redesign (All Things D)
Monitoring Tools, Social Media Superstars, and Internet Privacy: the Social 6 for 1/8/13
As we close out the first week of 2013 and about 2% of the year, there's plenty of news to get to. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Blind Man Uses Instagram To Share Images (Mashable)
#5: Nielsen Report Shows Explosive Pinterest Growth (Business 2 Community)
#4: Top 20 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools For 2013 (Business 2 Community)
#3: Instagram Flap Shows Confusion Over Control of Content (New York Times blog)
#2: 2012′s Ten Worst Social Media Disasters (Business 2 Community)
#1: 7 Top Social Media Personalities to Follow in 2013 (Going Social)
Poke vs. Snapchat & Social Media Hoaxes: the Social 6 for 12/22/12
It's been a very busy few days following Business 2 Community, as B2C as just been on fire with great content lately. A lot of news on Facebook's new Poke app, which will compete against popular sexting app Snapchat (and I already feel bad for having to type "sexting.") Not to mention, a big roundup of social media hoaxes, which seem to be more commonplace ever time we have a school shooting, superstorm, or anything else of similar magnitude. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Blogging for Business: Are Comments Dead? (Business 2 Community)
#5: Pinterest’s Latest Change Set to Better Businesses (Business 2 Community)
#4: Fun fact: Facebook’s new Poke app was built in just 12 days (The Next Web)
#3: The History of Social Media (Business 2 Community)
#2: Will Facebook Make Snapchat And WhatsApp History? Maybe Not (Forbes)
#1: 5 Social Media Hoaxes That Went Viral in 2012 (Business 2 Community)
Related articles
Facebook Poke Vs. Snapchat: What Is The Difference?
Snapchat Co-founder Evan Spiegel Responds To Poke: "Welcome, Facebook. Seriously."
Facebook releases standalone Poke app for iPhone with Snapchat-like features
Cyberwar, American Express, and Splurgy top the Social 6 News Roundup
I didn't really cover or share news of the GetGlue acquisition yesterday, or that would have been at the top of my list. Still, there's plenty of news and views you might have missed below. Interestingly, most of it isn't very specific to the social media realm, which is a break from what my social audience tends to click on and share. Without further ado, here's your Social 6:
#6: A Nate Silver-Take On The Most Influential MBA Ranking (LinkedIn)
#5: Social Media Power Rankings: AmEx Knows You Can't Leave Home Without It (The Atlantic Wire)
#4: Cyberwar and Social Media in the Gaza Conflict (New York Times blog)
#3: Grace Coddington (longtime creative director of Vogue) speaks out in new memoir (New York Times)
#2: Splurgy and Pinterest: the New Hit Marketing Combo for SMBs? (Technorati)
#1: Staying Afloat in a Sea of Numbers (Going Social)
Related articles
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The Social 6: Key Stories of The Last 24 hours, 8/16/12
Without any further ado, here's a roundup of what I shared, and what you guys found interesting, over the last 24 hours:
#6 AfterCollege Relaunched, Looks To Build A LinkedIn For College Students And Recent Grads
AfterCollege is now looking to be, in essence, the “young LinkedIn.” There’s more to it, of course, and Rip Empson writes a great article on TechCrunch outlining what the new AfterCollege looks like.
#5 Campaigns' calls for voter videos going unanswered
Both major presidential candidates are seeking homemade videos created by voters, but surprisingly, there is very little user-generated content being submitted. Callum Borchers wrties a great piece for The Boston Globe explaining what’s going on.
#4 6 Paid-Owned-Earned Ideas in Retail from eTail's Social Day
Allison Tepley writes for AddThis’ blog, sharing insights from eTail’s Social Commerce & Engagement Summit, and which themes and topics were front and center.
#3 Google Plus Starts Offering Vanity URLs
Google+ is stepping up its game by offering vanity URLs at long last! Sanjeez Ramachandran delievers a piece with a great explanation. Unfortunately, they’re only for verified accounts right now, but it’s a good, necessary step for the social platform.

#2 Barnes & Noble Tosses Nook to the Discount Pile
B&N is cutting the retail price of their Nooks, looking to be possibly the most inexpensive option on the tablet market. If this works, I’m all for it: the healthier the Nook can be, the more likely we are to have Barnes & Noble stick around.
#1 Pinterest Nudges Users Off the Couch and Into the World With New Android and iPad Apps & There’s more: Pinterest is launching for the Kindle Fire later this week
This is a tie between two articles that both touch on how Pinterest is becoming so much more than a browser-based experience. With this week’s releases, it’s pretty clear that Pinterest is looking to do whatever it takes to put its platform in front of as many people and as many devices as possible. I’d say they’re doing a good job of becoming more ubiquitous.
The Social 6: Key Stories of The Last 24 hours, 8/10/12
#6 Facebook turns to its army of users to report phising attacks using new public email address
Facebook's success unfortunately makes it a target for phishers and scammers. Matt Brian writes a great article on TheNextWeb explaining how Facebook is turning to its users to cut down on Facebook-related phishing. Solid move for the company to get the rise in phishing under control.
#5 Are RIM and Samsung Ready to Do the Deed?
Richard Adhikari writes a nice article on Ecommerce with details about how Samsung and RIM might be getting in bed together, either through a licensing agreement or flat-out acquisition. In my mind, RIM’s value isn’t going to go up anytime soon, and a deal would be a step in the right direction for the struggling firm.
#4 Where Apple's Boy Genius Went Wrong
During the Olympic coverage, Apple aired three ads that they thought could have helped sales, but they’ve been reportedly pulled from the air pretty quickly. Chris Maxcer delivers a great E-Commerce Times article explaining why the ads were pulled, and how an advertising powerhouse like Apple went wrong.
#3 Chick-fil-A: Stop Trying to Control the Conversation
Another strong E-Commerce Times piece! Christopher J. Bucholtz outlines where Chick-fil-A went wrong in its support of gay marriage. If you’re following my writing or my tweets, you know I think Chick-fil-A is 100000% within its rights to support its brand values, but the shifty way they managed the fiasco from a PR perspective is what really got to me – and many others.
#2 If a Google Employee Dies, Spouse Gets Half Pay for 10 Years
I wrote my upcoming book Going Social based on not just being sociable with your customers, but being good to them in general. When you think about it, some of your most important customers – or constituents – are your employees. This piece outlines how amazingly good Google is to its employees. It’s not just free food and fitness classes anymore: the death benefits extended to employees are pretty impressive. Samantha Murphy of Mashable goes into good detail in this piece.
#1 Pinterest Drops Invites, Now Open to Everyone
This past Wednesday, Pinterest announced they have removed their invite-only strategy towards increasing membership, and are now open to anyone with a pulse. Yet another sign Pinterest is looking to go mainstream in a major way. It will be interesting to see how adoption rates go up – or not – as a result of this move.