As you guys know, the Social 6 isn’t just about what yesterday’s top stories were; it’s about finding some hidden gems that might wind up being important but didn’t necessarilly grab “above the fold” placement. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Urban Tour Guide Game StrayBoots Launches Out Of SMS; iPhone App Available Now  (TechCrunch)

#5: Social Media Game Plan Equals Higher Profits (InformationWeek)

#4:, the Second-Largest Social Games Maker, Jumps Into Advertising  (All Things D)

#3: As Recipe Sharing On Pinterest Explodes, Foodily Revamps To Focus On Social  (TechCrunch)

#2: Diabetes Awareness Month given a voice with social media campaign (Global BC)

#1: Yesterday’s Facebook Stock Rally & How The Company Can Have More of Them (Going Social)

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