February 7th, 2013 was a Social 6 milestone, actually: it’s the first time, I believe, that two entrants into the Social 6 are pieces that I wrote. Why thank you, I think I will take a bow.

Since the Social 6 is determined based on your clicks and shares, it is pretty sweet to have two pieces in here, including my recap of the Kred NY Influencer Summit. However, there was plenty else worth reading, including Facebook’s epic fail on Thursday, Mailbox’s early success, and the viral sensation known as Kai. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Shrouded in Viral Mystery, Kai the Hitchhiker Gains a Cult Following (Mashable)

#5: Would You Pay Facebook For An Ad-Free Experience? (AllFacebook)

#4: Mailbox app CEO says without insane 380K person wait list, it would have crashed today (VentureBeat)

#3: Why (most) social media is here to stay (Upstart Business Journal)

#2: Facebook Hijacks Internet Sites For An Hour Thursday Afternoon (ReadWriteWeb)

#1: 5 Key Takeaways from the  Kred NY Influencer Summit (GoingSocial)