I thought it might be fun to highlight the past week’s top Instagram posts of mine, based off of total likes: Honorable Mention: Pizza Baby Adeline had her first slice of pizza. Well, her first pizza crust. And she barely has teeth. But still. It’s adorable. #3: 57th & Madison With the crossing light changing and… Continue reading Jeremy’s Week in Instagram, 8/10-8/16
Jeremy’s Week in Instagram, 8/1-8/7
I thought it might be fun to highlight the past week’s top Instagram posts of mine, according to you guys: #3: This past Sunday, I had a birthday party for Adeline, who turned 1 the next day. Everyone tells you the first year will fly by, and that couldn’t be more true. Even though the first… Continue reading Jeremy’s Week in Instagram, 8/1-8/7
New on Firebrand Group: LinkedIn’s New “How You Rank” Tool for Personal Branding
As you know, I’m hugely interested in personal branding as a topic. I just posted a new article over on Firebrand Group‘s blog – LinkedIn’s New “How You Rank” Tool for Personal Branding. Thoughts appreciated!
New on Firebrand Group: Is Tinder the New Snapchat?
We just posted a new article over on Firebrand Group‘s blog, entitled Tinder: The New Snapchat?. I’d love to know what you think.
Starbucks Lovers Beware: Your Daily Cup May Be Costing More Than You Think
Did you know coffee is consumed at the rate of 1400 million cups per day? A cup o’ joe is a staple for many of us in the morning, but if you’re a Starbucks regular and you’re watching your wallet, you may want to consider making your French vanilla latte at home. Studies show that… Continue reading Starbucks Lovers Beware: Your Daily Cup May Be Costing More Than You Think
The Most Pathetic Job Ever?
Right after I went to FL last I tweeted @United about some service issues. Just had most god-awful #Custserv experience at checkin w/ @united. Shameful service. At least it’s good fodder for an article… — Jeremy Goldman (@jeremarketer) April 13, 2014 In any case, right after, someone called me from an unlisted web #, like Skype,… Continue reading The Most Pathetic Job Ever?
My Problems with Goodnight Moon
Reading children’s books now for obvious reasons, and they raise all sorts of questions I never had back in the day. Like, in Goodnight Moon, why is there a telephone in the little kid’s room? Why the heck is there a little mouse running around? Shouldn’t the old lady – or the kittens – do something… Continue reading My Problems with Goodnight Moon
9 Awful Things You Didn’t Know Happened on Valentine’s Day
As a marketer, I understand the need for more holidays. As a human being, I’m not the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day. After all, why not be nice to someone you love every day? If you’re a fellow Valentine’s Day hater, here’s a fun list of the worst things to happen on February 14th (thanks… Continue reading 9 Awful Things You Didn’t Know Happened on Valentine’s Day
This Week’s #YouShouldRead Giveaway: Love at First Click by Laurie Davis
As some of you know, I’m a voracious reader. For better or for worse, my reading is probably 99% non-fiction these days, especially articles I’m reading on my laptop or iPad. Still, I see the value in old-school reading involving – gasp – a book printed on actual paper. So, I decided that every week… Continue reading This Week’s #YouShouldRead Giveaway: Love at First Click by Laurie Davis
Introducing #YouShouldRead – Win One of the Fall’s Best Books
As some of you know, I’m a voracious reader. For better or for worse, my reading is probably 99% non-fiction these days, especially articles I’m reading on my laptop or iPad. Still, I see the value in old-school reading involving – gasp – a book printed on actual paper. So, I decided that every week… Continue reading Introducing #YouShouldRead – Win One of the Fall’s Best Books