I haven’t done one of these in awhile, but it’s fun to collect some of today’s most popular links all in one place for posterity. Here’s your Social 6: #6: How @Marriott Leverages Photos, Videos, and Presentations to Inspire and Hire #5: Sheryl Sandberg Gifts, Sells Facebook Stock #4: Couric Describes Her Move to Yahoo as ‘Being of… Continue reading Marriot, Sheryl Sandberg, Katie Couric, 23andMe, and LinkedIn Profile Updates: the Social 6 for 11/25/13
A Major Professional Milestone: Inbox Zero
HUGE thing in my life. For the first time since June 2007 (really), I am at INBOX ZERO. No unread messages in my Firebrand Group inbox to deal with! I can actually focus on real work! No one send me anything for at least an hour!
Tumblr Adult Content, Pinterest Categories, Google Plus Upgrades: the Social 6 for 5/20/13
No, I won’t say the top story is related to Yahoo or Tumblr – that’s #2 ;). If you’ve been living under a shell you won’t understand what I’m talking about, but the vast majority of you guys undoubtedly will! There’s plenty of other great news and views I’ve shared out over social media today, including… Continue reading Tumblr Adult Content, Pinterest Categories, Google Plus Upgrades: the Social 6 for 5/20/13
Soundtracking, Facebook + Waze, YouTube Visualization, Hangouts On Air: the Social 6 for 5/9/13
Well, it’s been an eventful day here on Planet Earth – at least in the social/digital/tech world. You’ve doubtless heard of the news about a potential marriage between Facebook and Waze, but there’s so much more to read up on, from Google’s upgraded Hangouts On Air, helpful new tips & tricks to master YouTube, and… Continue reading Soundtracking, Facebook + Waze, YouTube Visualization, Hangouts On Air: the Social 6 for 5/9/13
Atlas Calendar, Klout Q&A, Rating Your Contacts: the Social 6 for 5/8/13
Welcome back, me! It’s been my longest break from releasing a Social 6 ever, but for good reason, between prepping to go away and then going away to Munich for the International Health Forum. I’m back in the swing of things, and today seemed like a great day to start back up, with a terrific… Continue reading Atlas Calendar, Klout Q&A, Rating Your Contacts: the Social 6 for 5/8/13
Twitter Security, Mobile Facebook Pages, iPhone Commercials, Chrome Secrets: the Social 6 for 4/24/13
Today’s Social 6 certainly feels a bit scattered – but in a good way. We have iPhone commercials, Facebook Pages going mobile-er, Chrome features to make you even more productive, and Twitter’s reported move to hopefully step up their security big time. Here’s your Social 6: #6: The Best Experimental Chrome Features You Should Check Out… Continue reading Twitter Security, Mobile Facebook Pages, iPhone Commercials, Chrome Secrets: the Social 6 for 4/24/13
Twitter + Starcom, Bad Careers, Gamification in Healthcare: the Social 6 for 4/23/12
Plenty of good links out there all over the web today. Come to think of it, most days I find great content with your help. My only wish is that I had more hours in the day to read. Speaking of reading, let’s get started, shall we? Here’s your Social 6: #6: If Planet Earth Used… Continue reading Twitter + Starcom, Bad Careers, Gamification in Healthcare: the Social 6 for 4/23/12
Office 365, Color in Marketing, the Future of Foursquare: the Social 6 for 4/22/13
Busy day out on the Interwebz! And if it was like most Mondays, I imagine you were too busy to keep up on your reading. Thankfully, I did it for you. I basically read the Internet. Here’s your Social 6: #6: 13 More Social Media Strategy Blogs You Should Be Reading (Inbound Marketing Agents) #5:… Continue reading Office 365, Color in Marketing, the Future of Foursquare: the Social 6 for 4/22/13
Dove, LinkedIn’s Mobile Strategy, Kenneth Cole Tweets: the Social 6 for 4/19/13
There’s nothing in here about Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the world’s most awful person, even though that obviously took up a good deal of people’s time today. That being said, I tried to keep up with everything else interesting the tech & social media world today, including LinkedIn’s mobile ad strategy, another Kenneth Cole controversy, and how… Continue reading Dove, LinkedIn’s Mobile Strategy, Kenneth Cole Tweets: the Social 6 for 4/19/13
Twitter Advertising, LinkedIn Mobile Revamp, $174 Facebook Fans: the Social 6 for 4/18/13
It’s been a pretty busy week, and a very busy 24-hour period out there. LinkedIn’s mobile overhaul isn’t insignificant, so I’d advise you to pay attention to that, though Twitter did take a pretty big step forward in solving their advertising model — and I’d have to salute them for that. Here’s your Social 6:… Continue reading Twitter Advertising, LinkedIn Mobile Revamp, $174 Facebook Fans: the Social 6 for 4/18/13