Today was a busy day out there, with more views about Facebook’s Graph Search, a great Likeable post in honor of Community Manager Appreciation Day, and more on Vine (Christopher S. Penn’s first line made me laugh out loud. Here’s your Social 6: #6: 3 Reasons Facebook Graph Search Is Not A Marketer’s Dream (Fast Company)… Continue reading Vine, Graph Search, #CMAD, and Google+ Rising: the Social 6 for 1/28/13
Timehop, Graph Search, and Vine: the Social 6, Weekend Edition
Over the last few days, the number of stories about Facebook’s Graph Search hasn’t abated that much, but the velocity at which I’ve seen new stories about Twitter’s new Vine app has been pretty tremendous. We’ve also got a story about Timehop’s timely (sorry, couldn’t help it) upgrades, a great analysis of Instagram’s top hashtags,… Continue reading Timehop, Graph Search, and Vine: the Social 6, Weekend Edition
Tumblr, Taylor (Swift), and Turbulence (Over Graph Search): the Social 6 for 1/25/13
Yesterday I shared a lot, and you guys clicked and shared even more, making it really tricky to curate the Social 6, since quite a few noteworthy stories & pieces got left out. Still, we had a great 24-hour news cycle, highlighted by Keds’ big Taylor Swift campaign, quite a few Facebook Graph Search pieces… Continue reading Tumblr, Taylor (Swift), and Turbulence (Over Graph Search): the Social 6 for 1/25/13
Foursquare Upgrades, TweetTV, & Alicia Keys: the Social 6 News Roundup
A pretty busy day around the social web, with plenty of great examples of social media best practices from the likes of Likeable (pun intended), Alicia Keys, and Arlington Highlands’ Instagram campaign. Here’s your Social 6: #6: 3 Tips To Improve Your Social Media Content Strategy in 2013 (Likeable Media blog) #5: Social TV guide TweetTV launches HTML5 mobile… Continue reading Foursquare Upgrades, TweetTV, & Alicia Keys: the Social 6 News Roundup
Influencers, Storify, France’s Social Data Tax, & More: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/22/13
Starting today, we (and by we, I mean me) will be posting the Social 6 the same day news happens as opposed to the next morning. So today, January 22nd, we saw plenty of great news stories, including more on the Storify privacy loopholes, France’s ideas for taxing personal data collectors such as Google and… Continue reading Influencers, Storify, France’s Social Data Tax, & More: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/22/13
foursquare Visualization, 3D Printed Buildings, and Social Media Education: the Social 6 for 1/22/13
What constitutes a social media story? After all, this is the Social 6, where I collect my most shared, retweeted, and commented-upon links every day. Needless to say, I define it pretty broadly, with stories that touch upon social (and technology) even in a smaller way. Today we have whether or not social media should… Continue reading foursquare Visualization, 3D Printed Buildings, and Social Media Education: the Social 6 for 1/22/13
TrendSpottr, CloudMagic, Productivity Hacks, and Conferences for Entrepreneurs: the Social 6 for 1/18/13
What’d you miss around the Internet yesterday? Oh, just the latest guest post by Rosemary Sitler on the Going Social blog, spotlights on TrendSpottr and CloudMagic (two companies that actually have a shot at sticking around for the long haul), how investors feel about the long AAPL stock decline, and more. Here’s your Social 6: #6: TrendSpottr… Continue reading TrendSpottr, CloudMagic, Productivity Hacks, and Conferences for Entrepreneurs: the Social 6 for 1/18/13
Your Least Favorite Chipmunk is…
I created this poll last week on my favorite new social platform, GoPollGo. Looks like it’s not even that close, is it? View poll on GoPollGo
3D Facebook Profiles, Inbox Annihilation, and Instagram User Agreement: the Social 6 for 1/17/13
Yesterday was admittedly not one of the busier days around the Internet, but that’s OK. We still have a slew of news and views for you, including the value of completely annihilating your email inbox, SocialFresh’s take on Facebook’s new search initiative, and how The Creators Project is can transform your Facebook identity into printable 3D… Continue reading 3D Facebook Profiles, Inbox Annihilation, and Instagram User Agreement: the Social 6 for 1/17/13
Yammer’s new HQ, Aaron Swartz Investigation, and Pentagon’s Twitter Love: the Social 6 for 1/15/13
Busy Monday for you? I’m sure. In case you didn’t have time to browse the Web enough, rest assured it was a busy day all around the Internet yesterday, with more news coming out about Aaron Swartz’s tragic death, Yammer’s impressive new digs, and my announcing that we’d start to dole out bite-sized chunks of Going… Continue reading Yammer’s new HQ, Aaron Swartz Investigation, and Pentagon’s Twitter Love: the Social 6 for 1/15/13