Hope you all had wonderful weekends! The last few days (I’m including Friday), to be honest, weren’t mindblowing with news & views. In fact, some of the links I shared were — gasp — a few days old! Nevertheless, there are kernels of gold in here, including details about collaboration platform Framebench, Facebook’s Page Insights issues, the Papal Twitter account’s exit from the stage, and more. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: 5 Business Lessons From Yahoo! (Likeable Media blog)

#5: Posterous is shutting down 4/20. Time to backup your Posterous Content (Social Media Today)

#4: Pope’s Twitter shutting down when Benedict XVI Leaves Office (Mashable)

#3: Framebench, a Google Docs-like platform for creative collaboration (TechCrunch)

#2: Why Most Startups Fail (Business Insider)

#1: Facebook confirms Page Insight bugs led to misreported analytics with fix rolling out today (The Next Web)


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