Today’s news roundup is interesting because it’s pretty low on news per se, but rich on really useful tips to drive your business forward, from Facebook Groups to social media tools and apps both productive and bizarre. And then, of course, there’s Pinterest’s new redesign, which many of you weighed in on and thought might help propel Pinterest forward to a place of greater relevancy. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: [EVENT] Macro Trends for 2013: Where Do We Go From Here? (

#5: Everything You Wanted to Know About Facebook Groups (Mashable)

#4: Ultimate Recap: The 12 Best New Social Media Tools from 2012 (SocialFresh)

#3: Foursquare launches dedicated iPhone app for US businesses, w/analytics, local updates, more  (The Next Web)

#2: 11 Bizarre Facebook Apps You Won’t Believe (Mashable)

#1: Take a Peek at Pinterest’s New Redesign (All Things D)

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