Busy busy day, I tell you! All you kids weren’t too busy with Valentine’s Day, it seems like – you were clicking and tweeting up a storm based on everything that I shared out today. We had quite a few good stories, including Poland Spring’s activity (or lack thereof) regarding the Marco Rubio’s parched throat, Kickstarter’s push towards mobile, and whether or not IT or Marketing really is at the helm with respect to new technology adoption. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Tempo Smart Calendar for iPhone launches as a digital assistant to prepare you for your next meeting

#5: In Tech, Does IT or Marketing Rule? (New York Times blog)

#4: Things to like about Facebook Graph Search (The Droid Guy)

#3: The Patient and Telling Vocabulary of Apple CEO Tim Cook (Ecommerce Times)

#2: Poland Spring Missed A Realtime Social Media Splash, And It Doesn’t Matter (SocialFresh)

#1: Kickstarter launches its mobile offensive with a new iOS app (The Next Web)

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