Snapchat, Nextdoor, FONYFW, & Tweet-to-Buy: the Social 6 for 2/12/13
Today was actually a pretty busy day around the Internetz, with plenty of strong stories sadly being left off of the Social 6. The good news is that the ones that made the cut are pretty sweet, including plenty of app news (Snapchat, Winston, Nextdoor), another reason to get an Amex card, and the most click & shareworthy piece of the day, my analysis of how Faces of NYFW is democratizing Fashion Week. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Winston, the iOS app that aggregates, curates, & reads you the news (The Next Web)
#5: Nextdoor (private social network) banks another $21 million, launches version 2.0 (AllThingsD)
#4: Snapchat Brings Video To Android In A Private Beta (TechCrunch)
#3: How To Hack Online Dating And Use Data To Find True Love (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: American Express Cardholders Can Now Tweet to Buy (All Things D)
#1: Experience Fashion Week Up Close with Faces of NYFW (Going Social)
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