YouTube iOS Streaming, Google Gadgets, Marketing During Crises: the Social 6 for 4/16/13
It's kind of funny how things pan out sometimes: on a day like today, I wouldn't have imagined that most of my top links would lead to Google in one way or another, yet that's exactly what happened. Today we saw a number of every useful, practical information -- from how business blogging and G+ go hand in hand to how brand marketers can take steps towards handling social media (and beyond) during situations like Monday's Boston Marathon tragedy. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Why Google Plus Wants Every Business Blogging (Small Business Trends)
#5: Clever Uses for Reverse Image Search (Lifehacker)
#4: How Google searches will start looking very different in the US & Europe (New Statesman)
#3: In a major move, YouTube's iOS App now features live streaming (Mashable)
#2: The Brand Marketer's Checklist When Tragedy Strikes (Social Media Today)
#1: Google's Next Group of Gadgets Will Blow You Away, Says Eric Schmidt (AllThingsD)
Instagram on Android, North Korea Hacked, New iPad, More on Goodreads and Amazon: the Social 6 for 4/4/13
Plenty of fun links out there today! And by fun, I mean informative. I made sure not to share that much in terms of "Facebook Home" today, as I thought I'd let the smoke clear before weighing in. Heres your Social 6:
#6: 20-Hour Workdays: 4 Ways To Survive A Startup (ReadWrite)
#5: One Year Later, Nearly Half Of Instagram's 100 Million Users Are On Android (TechCrunch)
#4: Is Apple releasing a new iPad sooner than expected? (Business Insider)
#3: Anonymous Hacks Official North Korean Social Media Accounts (ReadWrite)
#2: A Goodreads Spoiled: All Your Books Are Belong To Amazon (ReadWrite)
#1: How to Make an Award-Worthy Vine Movie (Mashable)
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Poke vs. Snapchat & Social Media Hoaxes: the Social 6 for 12/22/12
It's been a very busy few days following Business 2 Community, as B2C as just been on fire with great content lately. A lot of news on Facebook's new Poke app, which will compete against popular sexting app Snapchat (and I already feel bad for having to type "sexting.") Not to mention, a big roundup of social media hoaxes, which seem to be more commonplace ever time we have a school shooting, superstorm, or anything else of similar magnitude. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Blogging for Business: Are Comments Dead? (Business 2 Community)
#5: Pinterest’s Latest Change Set to Better Businesses (Business 2 Community)
#4: Fun fact: Facebook’s new Poke app was built in just 12 days (The Next Web)
#3: The History of Social Media (Business 2 Community)
#2: Will Facebook Make Snapchat And WhatsApp History? Maybe Not (Forbes)
#1: 5 Social Media Hoaxes That Went Viral in 2012 (Business 2 Community)
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Spotify Apps, Cover Photo Crackdown, and the Rise of the PANK: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/3/12
Welcome back, everyone! I know a lot of you take a breather from being deeply embedded in news sources the entire week and I don't blame you. That being said, we had a very useful stories last week, from how to leverage apps to improve your Spotify music discovery, to the risk of the PANK, to Facebook's crackdown on certain types of cover photos. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 9 Key Elements Of A Successful Social Media Strategy (Social Strand)
#5: New Study Uncovers 23 Million Powerful American Women -- and They're Not Moms (Huffington Post)
#4: Top 5 Spotify Apps For Music Discovery (ReadWriteWeb)
#3: Let the Gamification Begin (TIME)
#2: Beware, folks; Facebook is cracking down on promotional cover photos (Mashable)
#1: 3 Unexpected Mobile Tips (iMedia Connection)
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The Social 6: News Roundup, 9/5/12
MistoBox aims to boost your morning Cup of Joe w/the “@birchbox of Coffee”
"A new monthly delivery service, MistoBox, describes itself as “the BirchBox of the micro roasted coffee industry”...the company, which was founded by Connor Riley and Samantha Meis while in an entrepreneurship program at the University of Arizona, launched in June after just passing its Kickstarter goal of $9,000 in funding."
How Pinterest and Instagram are changing your brand strategy
"In 2008, Steve Jobs took the stage at the Macworld Expo and shared what seemed like a startling statistic: “Forty percent of the people in the U.S. read one book or less last year…People don’t read anymore.” Many are saying this statement could be seen as a foreshadowing of the explosive growth in visual content. But that wouldn’t really be accurate. Direct marketers have long known this; creating compelling visual content has been at the center of their world for years."
Android dominates Southeast Asia’s smartphone market: Report
"In a study of the major countries in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, 31 percent of smartphones were found to be running Android. Apple’s iOS has about 19 percent of the market with Blackberry, Symbian, and Windows Phone rounding out the remaining shares."
Social Media's Issue: Does It Drive Sales?
"“The next 12 months are the make or break time for social media, but I do think the investments have been there. People have sizable communities and want to make them ROI [return on investment] positive. We will really see if the metrics prove one way or another,” said Maureen Mullen, New York University think tank Luxury Lab, or L2, director of research ."
Wolfram Alpha's new "Facebook Report" lets you be a rockstar at mining your FB data
"Nearly 50% of my Facebook friends are married, which adds up to 123 people total. Meanwhile, 20.1% or 51 of my friends are in a relationship, and 13 are engaged. All this information I now know thanks to a new “Facebook Report” by Wolfram Alpha, which will gift you with more knowledge than you could possibly ever want to know about yourself and your Facebook profile."
Marissa Mayer is now reviewing *every* single serious candidate for employment at Yahoo

"Back in early August, there were reports that new CEO Marissa Mayer intended to do what Google's cofounders have always done: review every single new hire the company makes. Now, according to a Yahoo executive involved in hiring, Mayer is actually doing it....Yahoo has about 15,000 employees and it is hiring all the time, so this is no small task."