The Top 6 Resources for Businesses to Prepare/Recover from a Storm or Natural Disaster
Right now, a good deal of us are thinking about Hurricane Sandy, and what we ought to be doing to make sure we keep our business and employees safe. Here's a list of some of the best resources to use:
CDC's Storm/Flood and Hurricane Response Emergency Response Resources: Whether you're talking about generator safety or Carbon Monoxide poisoning or psychological first aid, the CDC has a slew of resources listed here. for Business: The site contains a detailed 5-step plan for businesses to develop their own preparedness program, resources to test your plan, and more.
Nonprofit Coordinating Community of New York Disaster's Planning, Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity: Not exactly a website. Instead, this is a link to a 35-page Word doc outlining disaster planning and risk analysis. While chunks of this guide may be obvious to you, I found other segments very useful. Plus, it's a free. All in all, a nice little gem.
Small Business Administration Emergency Preparedness Guide: The SBA has resources to develop an employee-protection plan,
ways to lessen the financial impact of disasters, and identity your business' most critical systems.
ReadyNOVA's Business Preparedness Planner: If you're looking to actually start developing your plan, ReadyNOVA has a 30-minute program that actually lets you develop your plan (or load an existing plan). Once you've created your plan, you can download ReadyNOVA's iOS and Android Apps so you can access to your emergency planners on the go.
FEMA's Property Protection Guide: Whether it's earthquakes, fires, high winds, or floods, FEMA has some helpful tips about how to protect your property from irreparable harm.