Wellness Apps, Fashion GPS, & Facebook Selling Tickets? The Social 6 for 2/11/13
Happy Monday, everyone! Plenty of great articles abounded today, including a few late shares on my part, admittedly. Today we had Facebook's new experimentation with selling tickets, Graph vs. Google, and how Fitbit and four other apps are improving employee health. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Just in time for NYFW, Fashion GPS Breaks Into The Notoriously Tech-Averse Fashion Industry (TechCrunch)
#5: The Truth Behind Your Facebook friends [CARTOON] (Mashable)
#4: Facebook is testing ‘Buy Tickets’ links for events. Is it getting into the ticketing biz? (TheNextWeb)
#3: The Mentality of Being Number Two (Business 2 Community)
#2: How Facebook's Graph Search Will Dethrone Google Search (AdAge.com)
#1: 5 Social Apps To Encourage Employee Health and Wellness (Mashable)
Twitter and Vine Upgrades, Facebook Quitters, and the Gun Debate: the Social 6 for 2/6/13
Over the last 24 hours, we had six great stories from six different publications, covering everything from the gun debate's divisiveness on Twitter to an interview with Erik Lautier of Lacoste on the Going Social site, to stats about Facebook quitters to updates to Twitter and Vine. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Things Get Rough on Twitter over Gun Debate (New York Times blog)
#5: Twitter Tweaks Search and Discover Products (All Things D)
#4: Vine gets 17+ age rating, option to report users; finally enables social sharing after videos are posted (The Next Web)
#3: Most Facebook Users Have Quit For At Least A Few Weeks (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: Going Social with...Erik Lautier of Lacoste (Going Social)
#1: 9 Things We'd Change About Vine (Mashable)
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Vine, Virtual Workers, & the About.me Spinoff: the Social 6 for 2/5/13
Today (2/5/13) wasn't the busiest day around the social newsosphere (I realize that sounds awkward and no, I'm not taking it back). Yet, we still had some good reads to be found, including About.me's move towards (re)independence, why you should care about Twitter's acquisition of Bluefin, and the more creative uses of Vine thus far. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Why you shouldn't rush to gamify (Real Business)
#5: How Facebook Graph Search didn't *actually* break your privacy settings (TechCrunch)
#4: 10 Works of Art on Vine (Mashable)
#3: Why The Twitter-Bluefin Deal Matters (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: Virtually There: Working Remotely (New York Times)
#1: About.me spins out as an independent company again, 2 years after AOL acquisition (TheNextWeb)
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About.me Founders Buy The Company Back From AOL (AOL)
Twitter Confirms Purchase Of Bluefin Labs To Boost TV Analytics And Advertising Services
Mind if I gamify that for you? - SocialGrad
Super Bowl, Facebook Exoduses, and Graph Search: the Social 6 for 2/4/13
As expected, Monday the 4th had plenty of news and views regarding last nights Super Bowl, but there were other interesting things to be found today across the social web, including arguments against graph search, gamification's role in revolutionizing health care, and marketing trends to be aware of in order to grow over the coming year. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 4 Powerful Marketing Trends Your Organization Must Embrace in 2013 (Business 2 Community)
#5: How Companies Are Using Gamification To Transform Health Care (Business Insider)
#4: This year's Super Bowl Generated over 24 Million Tweets (Mashable)
#3: Why Graph Search Could Be Facebook's Largest Privacy Invasion Ever (The Nation blog)
#2: How Superbowl XLVII’s Blackout Became A Marketer’s Dream (Likeable Media blog)
#1: Why I Decided To Leave Facebook (ReadWriteWeb)
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Graph Search Tumblrs, Apple Releases, & Super Bowl Ads: the Social 6 for 1/31/13
There was plenty of great articles to read around the Internet today, but out of everything I shared, the most clicked on and shared piece was my interview on Forbes.com. Of course, there's plenty more great reading, including what Super Bowl ads to look forward to, how Google+ can fit into a job search, and how Graph Search is making Tumblr a more fun place. Here's your Social 6:
#6: There's More Behind Apple's Blithe iPad Release Than Meets the Eye (Ecommerce Times)
#5: Why Job Hunters Need To Start Using Google Plus (AOL Jobs)
#4: The 5 most buzz-worthy Super Bowl ads to watch (Today.com blog)
#3: #Me: Instagram Narcissism And The Scourge Of The Selfie (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: Tumblr serves up hilariously awful Facebook Graph searches (The Age)
#1: Does Your Startup Need A Social Media Expert? Five Questions To Find Out (Forbes)
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There's a Tumblr That Highlights Actual Facebook Graph Searches
Zuckerberg: Facebook Doesn't Really Talk to Google
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Pinterest Redesign, Bizarre Apps, & Facebook Groups: the Social 6 for 1/29/13
Today's news roundup is interesting because it's pretty low on news per se, but rich on really useful tips to drive your business forward, from Facebook Groups to social media tools and apps both productive and bizarre. And then, of course, there's Pinterest's new redesign, which many of you weighed in on and thought might help propel Pinterest forward to a place of greater relevancy. Here's your Social 6:
#6: [EVENT] Macro Trends for 2013: Where Do We Go From Here? (SocialMediaWeek.org)
#5: Everything You Wanted to Know About Facebook Groups (Mashable)
#4: Ultimate Recap: The 12 Best New Social Media Tools from 2012 (SocialFresh)
#3: Foursquare launches dedicated iPhone app for US businesses, w/analytics, local updates, more (The Next Web)
#2: 11 Bizarre Facebook Apps You Won't Believe (Mashable)
#1: Take a Peek at Pinterest's New Redesign (All Things D)
Vine, Graph Search, #CMAD, and Google+ Rising: the Social 6 for 1/28/13
Today was a busy day out there, with more views about Facebook's Graph Search, a great Likeable post in honor of Community Manager Appreciation Day, and more on Vine (Christopher S. Penn's first line made me laugh out loud. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 3 Reasons Facebook Graph Search Is Not A Marketer's Dream (Fast Company)
#5: How to make the most of Vine 6 second videos (Christopher S. Penn blog)
#4: 5 Things Every Community Manager Must Have (that’s not in their job description) (Likeable blog)
#3: 6 Trends Reshaping Small Businesses In 2013 (Forbes)
#2: What Multilocation Brands Need to Do to Prepare for Facebook’s Graph Search (Street Fight)
#1: Google Plus Becomes World's No. 2 Social Network After Facebook, Knocking off Twitter (International Business Times)
Timehop, Graph Search, and Vine: the Social 6, Weekend Edition
Over the last few days, the number of stories about Facebook's Graph Search hasn't abated that much, but the velocity at which I've seen new stories about Twitter's new Vine app has been pretty tremendous. We've also got a story about Timehop's timely (sorry, couldn't help it) upgrades, a great analysis of Instagram's top hashtags, and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Crowdsourcing: It's Always Been About the Benjamin (Forbes)
#5: Vinepeek Is The Most Addictive New Site On The Internet (Buzzfeed)
#4: Timehop taps USA Today to show you news from today’s date in history, adds ‘Friendversaries’ (The Next Web)
#3: Top 10 Most Popular Tags On Instagram (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: Tumblr Blog “Actual Facebook Graph Searches” Goes Viral (TechCrunch)
#1: 15 Brands already using Twitter’s New Vine App (Social Fresh)
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Tumblr, Taylor (Swift), and Turbulence (Over Graph Search): the Social 6 for 1/25/13
Yesterday I shared a lot, and you guys clicked and shared even more, making it really tricky to curate the Social 6, since quite a few noteworthy stories & pieces got left out. Still, we had a great 24-hour news cycle, highlighted by Keds' big Taylor Swift campaign, quite a few Facebook Graph Search pieces -- including two that disagree with one another -- and the most clickworthy of the day, a new guest post on the Going Social site by content & community standout Tanya Barrios. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Keds' Taylor Swift campaign spends across traditional & social media channels (New York Times)
#5: No, Facebook's Graph Search Is Not Turning Up Racists and Cheaters (New York Magazine)
#4: You Can't Hide from Facebook Graph Search (Businessweek)
#3: Tumblr launches quicker, Twitter-like post creation for a smaller and more streamlined experience (The Next Web)
#2: Facebook Graph Search Shows You 'Married People Who Like Prostitutes' & 'Employers Of People Who Like Racism' (Forbes)
#1: 3 Essential Steps to Handling a Social Media Crisis (Going Social)
Foursquare Upgrades, TweetTV, & Alicia Keys: the Social 6 News Roundup
A pretty busy day around the social web, with plenty of great examples of social media best practices from the likes of Likeable (pun intended), Alicia Keys, and Arlington Highlands' Instagram campaign. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 3 Tips To Improve Your Social Media Content Strategy in 2013 (Likeable Media blog)
#5: Social TV guide TweetTV launches HTML5 mobile apps, now offers rewards to incentivize activity (The Next Web)
#4: Foursquare beefs up local venue data for 11 cities in data syndication deal with Voice Media Group (The Next Web)
#3: Give-a-Gram Instagram Campaign Case Study (Agency Entourage)
#2: Alicia Keys just joined Pinterest in style, with boards building on her individual songs (Mashable)
#1: Facebook Now Owns Over 25% Of Total Time Spent On Mobile Apps (ReadWriteWeb)