Influencers, Storify, France's Social Data Tax, & More: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/22/13

Starting today, we (and by we, I mean me) will be posting the Social 6 the same day news happens as opposed to the next morning. So today, January 22nd, we saw plenty of great news stories, including more on the Storify privacy loopholes, France's ideas for taxing personal data collectors such as Google and Facebook, and how some employers' social media policies may not be 100% legal. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Influencers vs. Advocates in New Media (Huffington Post)

#5: Storify Loophole Publishes Private Facebook Updates (Mashable)

#4: Should Google and Facebook be taxed for collecting your personal data? France thinks so (The Next Web)

#3: 16 Inspiring Examples of Interactive Maps in Web Design (Web Design Ledger)

#2: Employers' social media policies come under regulatory scrutiny  (New York Times)

#1: The power of brand marketing as a floor (Christopher S. Penn blog)


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3D Facebook Profiles, Inbox Annihilation, and Instagram User Agreement: the Social 6 for 1/17/13

Yesterday was admittedly not one of the busier days around the Internet, but that's OK. We still have a slew of news and views for you, including the value of completely annihilating your email inbox, SocialFresh's take on Facebook's new search initiative, and how The Creators Project is can transform your Facebook identity into printable 3D artwork. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Think Context Not Platforms, Says Google’s Tim Reis (Street Fight)

#5: Finish Is A Simple Way For Teens To Manage Their Angst-Ridden, Homework-Riddled Lives (TechCrunch)

#4: The Digital Purge: How (And Why) To Nuke Your Email Inbox (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: Instagram's Updated User Agreement Goes Into Effect This Week (All Things D)

#2: Is This The Facebook Search We’ve Been Waiting For? (SocialFresh)

#1: Turn Your Facebook Profile Into a 3D-Printed Sculpture (Mashable)

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Yammer's new HQ, Aaron Swartz Investigation, and Pentagon's Twitter Love: the Social 6 for 1/15/13

Busy Monday for you? I'm sure. In case you didn't have time to browse the Web enough, rest assured it was a busy day all around the Internet yesterday, with more news coming out about Aaron Swartz's tragic death, Yammer's impressive new digs, and my announcing that we'd start to dole out bite-sized chunks of Going Social for those who (shockingly) don't have a copy yet. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Done Not Done: This app helps you remember movies, books and music you plan to check out (The Next Web)

#5: Yammer's new massive SF headquarters (The Next Web)

#4: The Pentagon is seeking ways to predict the future by monitoring Twitter, blogs (Mashable)

#3: The Facebook Measurement Landscape In 2013 (Likeable blog)

#2: MIT To Launch Internal Investigation Following Death Of Aaron Swartz (ReadWriteWeb)

#1: Going Social begins giving away free book excerpts via Email Signup (Going Social blog)

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iPhone Anniversary, LinkedIn Milestone, & F-Commerce: the Social 6 for 1/10/13

Another big Business 2 Community day for my social sharing, as you guys definitely clicked on and shared plenty of B2C articles. However, that's not all we have in store for you, with LinkedIn hitting another major milestone, as well as my Going Social piece for iPhone productivity apps to celebrate the Apple device's sixth anniversary. Here's your Social 6:

#6: 4 Social Media Sales Tips (Business 2 Community)

#5: Generate Sales with Facebook (Business 2 Community)

#4: LinkedIn vs the Recruiting Industry  (Business 2 Community)

#3: LinkedIn hits 200 million members from more than 200 countries  (The Next Web)

#2: Twitter + Print: Combining the New and the Old to Grow Your Business  (Business 2 Community)

#1: Top 8 Apps for Better iPhone Productivity in 2013 (Going Social)

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PumpUp, QueSocial, & "New" YouTube: the Social 6 for 1/5/13

As you might have noted, in my daily link sharing, I'm trying to focus on posting more tips & tactics that you can use for social media success this year, as opposed to just today's news highlights. While we still have a few news items for you (PumpUp & QueSocial are two good names to watch), today we have YouTube's new layout, ways to become a better blogger in 2013, and probably most importantly, a great piece on why you need to stop ignoring Google+. Here's your Social 6:

#6: PumpUp Launches Personal Fitness App To Tackle Workout Bordom (BetaKit)

#5: QueSocial Finds Your Social Media ROI (Tech Cocktail)

#4: 5 Ways to Stay in Front of your Blogging Goals (Business 2 Community)

#3: Meet Tumblr's First Artist in Residence (Mashable)

#2: YouTube's New Layout: What is New and How It Affects You (Business 2 Community)

#1: Stop Whining And Embrace Google+ Already  (ReadWriteWeb)

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Poke vs. Snapchat & Social Media Hoaxes: the Social 6 for 12/22/12

It's been a very busy few days following Business 2 Community, as B2C as just been on fire with great content lately. A lot of news on Facebook's new Poke app, which will compete against popular sexting app Snapchat (and I already feel bad for having to type "sexting.") Not to mention, a big roundup of social media hoaxes, which seem to be more commonplace ever time we have a school shooting, superstorm, or anything else of similar magnitude. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Blogging for Business: Are Comments Dead? (Business 2 Community)

#5: Pinterest’s Latest Change Set to Better Businesses  (Business 2 Community)

#4: Fun fact: Facebook’s new Poke app was built in just 12 days (The Next Web)

#3: The History of Social Media (Business 2 Community)

#2: Will Facebook Make Snapchat And WhatsApp History? Maybe Not (Forbes)

#1: 5 Social Media Hoaxes That Went Viral in 2012 (Business 2 Community)

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2012 Lists, Eloqua Acquisition, and Flipboard: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/21/12

Happy Friday, folks. We made it! We made it, that is, through a day that had plenty of interesting "Top ___s of 2012" lists, as well as news about Eloqua's new corporate parent, Facebook's new privacy settings, and more. Overall, a pretty eventful day, as it was hard to limit myself to just six stories -- but hey, that's life. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Own an Android tablet? Now you can (at last!!) have Flipboard (All Things D)

#5: Which of these "10 Worst People on Internet in 2012" do you dislike most? (Mashable)

#4: Kellogg, Verizon use Gamification to Build Loyalty (Chief Marketer)

#3: The top 10 most influential people on Tumblr in 2012 (Daily Dot)

#2: Facebook's new privacy settings begin rolling out - now it's easier to control what data is public (The Next Web)

#1: Oracle to Acquire Eloqua for $871 Million (Destination CRM)

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Blog Tips, Gamification, and Tasti D-Lite: the Social 6 for 12/20/12

Today we've got a heavy dose of Business 2 Community, which is typically a fascinating read -- if you're not following B2C generally I recommend it, as it contains plenty of very practical tips and thought. Actually, overall this is probably one of the least "newsy" days I've had on record, but still plenty of good reading, including my profile of Tasti D-Lite for the Going Social blog. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Cleveland Clinic Diagnoses Health-Care Act  (Wall Street Journal)

#5: Facebook is the New Word of Mouth Marketing (Business 2 Community)

#4: Mario Brothers and Level-up Leadership: Social Entrepreneurship, Gamification, and Religion (Forbes)

#3: 4 Tips for Writing a Blog Post Opening that Turns Heads  (Business 2 Community)

#2: Gain a Social Edge With HootSuite, Topsy, Klout and Buffer  (Business 2 Community)

#1: Tasti D-Lite’s Recipe for Going Social? Technology and Leadership (Going Social)

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Instagram Commerce, the Death of the URL, and Tweet Archives: the Social 6 for 12/17/12

Of course, it's been a very sad weekend as we stay on top of all the news related to the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut. Here are some of the more important links shared this weekend as most news touched on the massacre. Obviously not much news is shared on the weekend per se, but we have plenty of interesting and important views to stay on top of. I love the top two especially. Here's your Social 6:

#6: On Instagram, a thriving bazaar taps a big market (Waterloo Record)

#5: Why's Apple stock in the pits when analysts have good things to say about the iPhone & iPad lineup? (Business Insider)

#4: Does Facebook’s future rests on lessons from Wal-Mart campaign? (All Things D)

#3: How Music Streaming Service Songza And Audyssey Just Upgraded Your Headphones For Free  (TechCrunch)

#2: Directed Browsing And The Death Of The URL (Forbes)

#1: A Few Reasons Why You’d Want To Download All Of Your Tweets (TechCrunch)

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