Newsjacking Sandy Hook, Google Plus Upgrades, and Airline VIPs: the Social 6 for 12/15/12
It's hard to imagine anything eclipsing yesterdays horrific shootings in Connecticut - and at least on the Social 6, nothing didn't. But it was the story of the day by a large margin, with idiots even pretending to be the now-dead shooter on Facebook. KMart got in on the newsjacking fun in our top spot today. We also did have some positive news, such as PowToon's funding, some great reporting on how social media is affecting VIP treatment on airlines, and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: DIY Animation Platform PowToon Grabs $600K For Its Video Creation Software (TechCrunch)
#4: Big Google+ Upgrade Includes Full-Size Photo Backups (Mashable)
#3: The Navigator: With social media, airlines have a new kind of VIP (Washington Post)
#2: The top 12 internet characters of 2012 (Your Community @ CBCnews)
#1: KMart Wins the Idiotic Newsjacking Brand of the Day Award for its Insensitive Tweet (Going Social)
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Contrail Systems, Bunchball, and Hi-Tech Jeans: the Social 6 for 12/14/12
Folks, yesterday we had a pretty mixed bag with respect to stories being shared. Between bluetooth clothing, viral film marketing, and incredibly profitable (and quick) exits from the market, yesterday had it all. Here's your Social 6:
#6: The 'Pacific Rim' Trailer Lays Bare All of Guillermo Del Toro's Viral Secrets (The Atlantic Wire)
#5: Bunchball shows off the 'rock stars' of gamification (VentureBeat)
#4: 5 Ways to Build Your Brand On Twitter with Meaningful Followers (Resource Nation blog)
#3: Case Study: Behind Instagram's Growth
#2: These Jeans Will Update Facebook for You (Mashable)
#1: 2 Days After It Launched, This Startup Sold For $176 Million (Business Insider)
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Facebook's Privacy Chances, Photo Wars, and Kevin Smith: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/13/12
Lots of news regarding Facebook's privacy changes over the last 24 hours, as well as the ongoing disagreement between Facebook and Twitter with respect to photo sharing. There's also a piece built off of a segment from my Going Social book which seemed to get quite a good chunk of your clicks as well. I'm humbled. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Kate Upton was the #6 most searched person in US in 2012 (TIME Style)
#5: Facebook's Privacy Evolution Crawls Another Step Out Of The Ooze (ReadWriteWeb)
#4: Who leads the world in mobile web use? If you guessed UK, you'd be right (The Guardian)
#3: Kevin Smith, and the Problem with Influencer Identification (Going Social)
#2: As Facebook and Twitter Feud Over Photos, Yahoo & Flickr Play Well With Others (All Things D)
#1: Here's how Facebook's privacy changes bring it closer to being the one sole social network (All Things D)
Wink, Material Wrld, Facebook Gifts, & Cardfree: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/12/12
Happy 12/12/12 folks! For some reason, most of the news across the social web yesterday – or at least the news that I shared and you all clicked on and re-shared – had to do with money. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Top Domains: Forexpros Buys For $2.45M, Launches One-Stop Financial Portal For Everyday Investors (TechCrunch)
#5: With $10M In The Bank, Cardfree Launches To Take On LevelUp And Square In Mobile Payments (TechCrunch)
#4: Wink: A fresh take on photo-sharing that instantly sends your new pictures to the friends you’re with (The Next Web)
#3: Fashion Marketplace Material Wrld Raises 780K Seed Round Led By Warby Parker, Bonobos Investor Great Oaks VC (The Next Web)
#2: Facebook builds a Preferred Marketing Developer Center app to better connect ad companies and vendors (The Next Web)
#1: Facebook Pushes Out Gifts to All U.S. Users (Complete With Holiday Booze) (All Things D)
Google+ Communities, Instagram Photos in Twitter, & Social Media Gaffes: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/11/12
We're almost as 12/12/12! Hang in there folks. In the meantime, here are the most clickworthy, shareworthy things I posted across my social channels yesterday. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Google Plus launches Communities and Snapseed features (Castleford)
#5: Customer Behavior Can Unlock the Marketing Kingdom (CMSWire)
#4: How To Perform A Competitive Blog Analysis (CHECKLIST) (Business 2 Community)
#2:Take This Job, Shove It, Post About It on Facebook (All Things D)
#1: Instagram Launches Advent Calendar Contest (Mashable)
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Spotify Apps, Cover Photo Crackdown, and the Rise of the PANK: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/3/12
Welcome back, everyone! I know a lot of you take a breather from being deeply embedded in news sources the entire week and I don't blame you. That being said, we had a very useful stories last week, from how to leverage apps to improve your Spotify music discovery, to the risk of the PANK, to Facebook's crackdown on certain types of cover photos. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 9 Key Elements Of A Successful Social Media Strategy (Social Strand)
#5: New Study Uncovers 23 Million Powerful American Women -- and They're Not Moms (Huffington Post)
#4: Top 5 Spotify Apps For Music Discovery (ReadWriteWeb)
#3: Let the Gamification Begin (TIME)
#2: Beware, folks; Facebook is cracking down on promotional cover photos (Mashable)
#1: 3 Unexpected Mobile Tips (iMedia Connection)
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LivingSocial Layoffs, Social CMOs, & Twitter's List of No-Nos: The Social 6 News Roundup for 11/30/12
Folks, we did it. We made it to Friday. Thursday, however, had plenty of interesting stories clicked on & shared on my social radar, including the troubles at LivingSocial, a guest post by yours truly on Young Upstarts, and a look at how "Social" certain CMOs are. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Street Fight Daily: LivingSocial Layoffs, Google Buys Coupon Platform (Street Fight)
#5: Should Your Small Business Engage In Newsjacking? (Young Upstarts)
#4: The Fortune 100 Top Social Brands -- Are Their CMOs Social? (CMSWire)
#3: This Is How Much Time You Spend on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr (Mashable)
#2: The 3 Things You Can't Do On Twitter (ReadWriteWeb)
#1: 1,000 jobs gone at Groupon & LivingSocial; can daily deals turn things around? (Business Insider)
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Facebook Monetization, MyHeritage, Banjo, & Reddit: the Social 6 for 11/29/12
There was just so much goodness going around yesterday that this story about 500px's arrival on iPhone got crowded out - and 500px is a pretty sharp site/platform/service. I'd have put it in the top 6, but alas, the rules are the same as always: whatever I share that you guys click on & share the most, that's what I then rank and sort out to determine the Social 6. My piece on Banjo's new release topped the list, but we also have MyHeritage's new trove of cash, Facebook monetization efforts, and much more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 5 Fascinating Facts We Learned From Reddit This Week (Mashable)
#5: Family-oriented social network raises $25 million and buys its main rival Geni (The Next Web)
#4: Facebook's new tactics to convince page owners to run ads (Inside Facebook)
#3: Box VP Sam Schillace: People won’t tolerate crappy enterprise apps anymore (VentureBeat)
#2: Facebook's new push for getting its users credit card numbers (Mashable)
#1: Why Banjo is the Future of Social Networking (Going Social)
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Cyber Monday, Pitch Engine, Lanyrd, and Twitter Archives: the Social 6 News Roundup for 11/28/12
Lots of good stuff you might have missed yesterday, which is why I'm here to curate it all for you. Today we've got some Cyber Monday ramifications, the FBI's forward-thinking use of social media, some innovation courtesy of Lanyrd (one of my favorite apps), and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6 Social-Media Shaming About A Dumb Photo Gets Dangerous (ReadWriteWeb)
#5 On Cyber Monday, Mobile -- Not Social -- Takes All the Glory (All Things D)
#4 FBI Using Twitter to Crack Down on Securities Fraud (Mashable)
#2 As LinkedIn closes its Events app, social conference service Lanyrd steps in with new integration (The Next Web)
#1 Will Twitter follow up on its promise for downloadable tweet archives by year's end? (Search Engine Watch)
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Diabetes Awareness,, Foodily, Strayboots Top the Social 6 for 11/16/12
As you guys know, the Social 6 isn't just about what yesterday's top stories were; it's about finding some hidden gems that might wind up being important but didn't necessarilly grab "above the fold" placement. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Urban Tour Guide Game StrayBoots Launches Out Of SMS; iPhone App Available Now (TechCrunch)
#5: Social Media Game Plan Equals Higher Profits (InformationWeek)
#4:, the Second-Largest Social Games Maker, Jumps Into Advertising (All Things D)
#3: As Recipe Sharing On Pinterest Explodes, Foodily Revamps To Focus On Social (TechCrunch)
#2: Diabetes Awareness Month given a voice with social media campaign (Global BC)
#1: Yesterday's Facebook Stock Rally & How The Company Can Have More of Them (Going Social)
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