Yammer, Data Visualization, and the Facebook Stock Rally Top the Social 6 for 11/15/12

You know the drill by now: I share what you guys clicked on, shared, and retweeted the most yesterday, which was actually a doozy of a day. I especially recommend #2, though I'm admittedly a bit biased since I'm an entrepreneur worried about his health. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Social media overwhelming some SMBs (BizReport)

#5: 75 things @pammktgnut learned on her journey to 100,000 Twitter followers (Business 2 Community)

#4: Yammer + SharePoint: Microsoft's Social Strategy Isn't Social, It's Collaborative  (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: Facebook’s Stock Rally & How The Company Can Have More of Them (Going Social)

#2: New study finds that entrepreneurship is good for your health (Business Insider)

#1: Seven data visualization lessons from Visualized NYC (World Bank Data blog)

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Spotify, Bonobos, Lead Gen, and Law Firms' Social Media Use in the Social 6 for 11/13/12

In case you were busy, oh, working on Monday, we've got you covered. The last day saw a number of good stories, from a duo of strong Business 2 Community pieces, to the 2nd part of my two-part discussion with Bonobos' John Rote over on the Going Social companion site, to Spotify's (de)valuation. Here's your Social 6:

#6: The Three Things Marketers Keep Forgetting About Facebook (Business 2 Community)

#5: What Do Startups Need Most Right Now? (Read Write Web)

#4: How To Properly Do Lead Generation Using Social Media (Business 2 Community)

#3: Going Social with...John Rote of Bonobos, Part II (Going Social)

#2: Large law firms lack social media strategy, finds TR report (Legal Business Online)

#1: Where Did Spotify's Billion Dollars Go? Ask Netflix (All Things D)

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Zynga, Social Media in China, and Geolocating Racist Tweets in the Social 6 Weekend Recap

Good morning, folks, and welcome to another week which will likely have a slew of great social media-centric news. This weekend’s shares weren’t half shabby either, between LinkedIn tips, tensions between social media and Chinese leadership, and exactly where racism in the U.S. comes from. Here’s your Social 6:
#6: Zynga Announces Acquisition Of November Software To Build ‘Mid-Core’ Game Battlestone (TechCrunch)
#5: 5 Ways to Improve Your New LinkedIn Company Page
#4: Who’s Vulnerable Among the Internet’s ‘Fantastic Four’? Techonomy Panelists Say It’s Apple And Facebook
#3: Hollande & Sarkozy: How not to use social media in politics or business (Econsultancy)
#2: Social media both friend and foe for China's new leaders (CNN)
#1: Where America’s Racist Tweets Come From (Mashable)

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Social Media in 2013, Election Fallout, and Instagram Web Profiles in Today's Social 6 News Recap

Happy morning after the morning after! I'm referring, of course, to election night, which spurred a number of follow-up stories I shared out yesterday, and am recapping today. If you're already over the election, no problem: we have a few other highlights, including Instagram's new web profiles, a pee-powered generator (that's one innovation I'd never think of), and predictions on the future of social media by a number of pundits (including yours truly). Here's your Social 6:

#6: Premature Elizabeth Warren Twitter Rumor Dupes News Sites, Journalists  (Mashable)
#5: Twitter’s Best Election Night LOLs (Mashable)
#4: Forget apps and other useless startups: These four African girls have created a pee-powered generator (The Next Web)
#3: Romney Camp Retooling Campaign After Latest Setback  (The Onion)
#2: Setting Your Instagram to ‘Private’ (& why you may want to) (Mashable)
#1: The Future of Social Media: 50 Experts Share 2013 Predictions (Business 2 Community)

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Newsjacking, HowDo, and more Kindle Fire vs. iPad Mini Comparisons Top the Social 6 for 11/1/12

Morning, team. In the wake of Sandy, newsjacking has become a very popular topic, and my post discussing it on my companion site, Going Social, took the top spot today. You'll notice plenty of great stories from The Next Web, too, and more of the ongoing Kindle Fire/iPad Mini debate, as the latter is still scheduled to be in stores tomorrow. Here's your Social 6:

#6: 500 Startups unveils its Fall 2012 accelerator lineup  (The Next Web)

#5: HowDo lets people share everyday knowledge, lands seed funding from Wellington Partners and Horizons   (The Next Web)

#4: How Australia's Advertising Standards Board became the Facebook police for business (Crikey)

#3: Kindle Fire vs. iPad Mini: 10 Reasons to Choose the Amazon Tablet (eWeek)

#2: Facebook confirms it's testing new Timeline design w/just 1 column for posts  (The Next Web)

#1: Newsjacking – and its Ramifications for Your Brand’s Social Media  (Going Social)

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Conan & Zynga, Kindle Fire & iPad Mini, and Facebook & Fraud: the Social 6 for 10/29/12

Hope you're all okay and not affected much by Hurricane Sandy, which is still virtually nonexistent here in Manhattan. This weekend, besides Sandy news, I shared a few links that a bunch of you found interesting, including Conan's ideas to improve Zynga's outlook, the continued battle between the Kindle Fire and iPad Mini, and Paul Ceglia's majorly sketchy claims against Facebook. Here's your Social 6:

#6: DreamIt Ventures Partners With Microsoft To Offer BizSpark To All Of Its Startups (TechCrunch)
#5: News From the Advertising Industry  (New York Times)
#4: iPad Mini Display: Not Good Enough? (InformationWeek)
#3: Conan Comes Up With Some Naughty Social Games to Save Zynga  (All Things D)
#2" Amazon email hints at anxiety over iPad mini (Smartmoney blog)
#1: NY Man Arrested For Trying to Defraud Facebook & Zuckerberg (Mashable)

LinkedIn, Women in Binders, and Lynx in The Social 6 News Roundup

I'd normally write more of an intro, but I'm sitting here with my new Community Management Associate, Matthew Lum (AKA @matthewjlum on Twitter), and I know you want to get to the news you missed over the last 24 hours. So, let's dive in, shall we? Here's your binder-less Social 6 for 10/18/12:

#6: Case Study: Restaurant Rewards Customers With Cash-Back Promos (Street Fight)

#5: Aptitude, not influence, makes good social media pros (ZDNet)

#4: Brand Caught Handling Social Media Issue Well! (Marketing Pilgrim)

#3: Lynx Facebook Post Claims Body Spray Can Turn Lesbians Straight (Mashable)

#2: My Tweet-by-Tweet Analysis of Last Night's Debate (JeremyGoldman.com)

#1: LinkedIn's Profile Refresh Is All About the Visuals -- Just Like Other Social Giants  (All Things D)

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Baby Boomers, iPad Mini Accessories, and Facebook Follower ROI in the Social 6 for 10/12/12

Hey look, it's the Social 6! This is the first time in awhile not a single one of the articles came from Mashable, oddly enough. There's plenty of good reading below, capped by a very nice piece by @sarahneedleman & @EvelynRusli. Here's your Social 6:

#6: ComScore: Instagram attracts more site engagement than Twitter on smartphones (Brafton)

#5: Social media or sex? A study shows more people are going online (WHP TV)

#4: All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet bit.ly/PnKQlU (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: The solo entrepreneur's guide to social media time management (Crain's Chicago Business blog)

#2: Retailers gearing up for Apple's 'iPad mini' with plans for accessory displays (Apple Insider)

#1: What's a Facebook Follower Worth? (Wall Street Journal)

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Gamification, Jobhunting, iPad Mini, and. . . Cats? The Social 6 News Roundup for 10/11/12

I hope you guys were doing your jobs yesterday, as opposed to scouring Twitter, Google+, and the like for social media-news. Not to fret if you missed anything, since I have the 6 links that were most shared, liked, and clicked on within my social circles yesterday. Never saw a social media list featuring forum statistics, tablet news, gamification, and...cats? Well, now you have. Here's today's Social 6 news roundup:

These 10 Cats Hate Toasters, Popcorn and Treadmills  (Mashable)

Why Tracking Social Media Sales is so Difficult! (Business 2 Community)

Forums Outperform Blogs In Social Media Use  (Social Media Explorer)

Job Seekers Choose Facebook Over LinkedIn, Twitter [STUDY]  (Mashable)

Talk of the Day -- iPad mini to debut next week? (Focus Taiwan)

The 'Gamification' of CRM Finally Comes to Salesforce--But is it Enough? (Midsize Insider)

Facebook Promoted Posts Top the Social 6 News Roundup for 10/4/12

Is this the most awe-inspiring Social 6 roundup ever? Certainly not. I'd never lie to you guys. That being said, yesterday's social shares did elicit quite a few clicks & shares, most notably related to monetization of the Spotify platform, and Facebook's rollout of Promoted Posts, which could turn out to be a game-changer....or could wind up being a sidebar in a "History of Facebook" book. We'll see.

Without further ado, your Social 6 roundup of news & views:

#6: My 7 Favorite Social Media Tools To Up Your Game (Business 2 Community)

#5: A Social Media Marketing Paradox? (ResidualRx.com)

#4: Looks like the iPad Mini is in production (PC Magazine)

#3: ShoeDazzle Picks Up Another $6M As Founder Brian Lee Gets Back To Work As CEO (TechCrunch)

#2: Can Spotify's App Platform Make Rock'n'Roll Profitable Again? Ask Blur  (ReadWriteWeb)

#1: Facebook's Promoted Posts launch in the US at $7 a pop (TechCrunch)

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