LinkedIn's Follow Feature, Truvia, Facebook Gifts, and more: the Social 6 for 10/3/12
A very late Social 6 roundup today, guys. Sorry about that, but iluminage & life beckons. I'm sure you understand.
In any case, the news roundup for today is below. This was actually a ridiculously strong day with a bunch of cool stories breaking...I don't think I've spent as long debating who should receive the #1 spot in a long time.
#6: YouTube’s Slick New TV Mode Lets You Browse From the Keyboard or Your Phone (Mashable)
#5: New Ads for Truvia Serve Up Sweet Words (NY Times)
#4: Facebook Gifts: potent new revenue stream, or dud? (EConsultancy)
#3: Dog owners shame pets on social media (WBTV)
#2: Twitter Who? LinkedIn Promotes Its Own People to Follow. (All Things D)
#1: Live Twitter Feed Appears in Print Ad [VIDEO] (Mashable)
Sheryl Sandberg and Costco Highlight the Social 6 News Roundup for 10/2/12
Look, everybody, it's a diverse Social 6 today! From failed IPOs (Facebook) to great advice from thought leaders (Amber Naslund) to retailers running into social media policy challenges (Costco), this one's got something for everyone. Here's your Social 6 news & views roundup:
#6: The social workplace: Are you prepared? (Denver Business Journal blog)
#5: CoCoon, The Newest Home For Startups In Hong Kong (TechCrunch)
#4: How - And Why - Startups Should Hire Millennials (ReadWriteWeb)
#3: The One Thing That Smart Businesses Never Do (Brass Tack Thinking)
#2: Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook IPO wasn’t great, but new mobile and advertising products should help (The Next Web)
#1: Costco Gets Slapped Over Social Media Policy (Business 2 Community)
Microsoft & Klout and Facebook & Gifts: Your Social 6, Weekend Edition
Hi everybody, and happy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend, and didn't spend it reading news across the Internet from a myriad sources. After all, that's what I'm here for. This weekend had a few gems; here are some of the highlights:
#6: Gamification: where play meets productivity and engagement (Opinno)
#5: Is the Social Media Card the New Business Card? (San Francisco Chronicle)
#4: Is California's law barring demands for social media passwords any good? (Techdirt)
#3: Former Employee Explains Why He Was Fired From Facebook (Mashable)
#2: Why Klout Deal Is Not The Answer To Microsoft's Social Search Strategy (ReadWriteWeb)
#1: Facebook Shares Jump More Than 6% After Gifts Launch. (Hooray For New Revenue Streams.) (TechCrunch)
Twitter & China, Google+ & Journalism, and Social Media + Screwups: The Social 6
Lots of fun news & views yesterday while I was wallowing away in synagogue for Yom Kippur. Yesterday we had a great set of pieces clicked on & shared by you guys, including Twitter's interesting strength within China, potential good news for the iPad Mini, and G+'s effect on journalism. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Teenagers urged to create social media campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles (Scottish Daily Record)
#5: Why Eyeballs No Longer Matter For Startups (ReadWriteWeb)
#4: Social Media’s Biggest Screw-Ups [INFOGRAPHIC] (Mashable)
#3: How Journalists Are Using Google+ (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: Study says half of Americans are unimpressed with Kindle Fire HD, more interested in iPad mini (Borneo Post)
#1: Report: Twitter’s most active country is China (where it is blocked) (The Next Web)

Facebook Stats, Hyperlocal, & Video Games: Today's Social 6
A pretty mixed bag of news from the last day were clicked on by you guys yesterday, including a link towards my attempts to enlist more help for the upcoming Going Social companion site.
Without further ago, here's your Social 6 for September 25, 2012:
#6: Gyft Brings Gift Cards From Over 200 Retailers To Apple’s Passbook (TechCrunch)
#5: 7 Reporting Tools for Hyperlocal Journalists (Streetfight)
#4: Want to Join Team Going Social? Write for Us! (
#3: The Social Era Is More Than Social Media (Fast Company)
#2: DeathWatch: Video Game Consoles (ReadWriteWeb)
#1: 50% of Consumers Value a Brand’s Facebook Page More Than Its Website [INFOGRAPHIC] (Mashable)
Want to Join Team Going Social? Write for Us!
Hi guys. If you're reading this, you may know that I have a book coming out: Going Social: Excite Customers, Generate Buzz, and Energize Your Brand with the Power of Social Media. I'm pretty excited!
Even though I'm psyched, I'm always pretty overworked, to be honest. I'd love to find some help on the writing side. If you can help me develop content for the upcoming companion site, in exchange, I'd love to mentor you professionally and pay you back with advice and direction. Or give you cookies.
Interested? Contact me using the Contact form on the horizontal nav above. I'd love to hear from you.
Klout, iPad Mini, and Facebook Top the Weekend's Social 6 Roundup
I'd be lying if I said this was the most action-packed weekend on the Interwebz ever. It wasn't. In fact, a few of the stories I shared over the weekend (and you guys clicked on, shared, repinned, etc.) were published on Friday. Still, I think there are some gems in here - two apiece for Facebook and gamification, for those of you interested in those topics. I'll let the news & views speak for themselves:
#6: Facebook Kills Photo-Tagging Suggestions for EU Users (Mashable)
#5: Ten ways to gamify your grid (Hypergrid Business)
#4: Facebook to curb frictionless sharing (CBS News)
#3: Klout's recent updates get a thumbs-up from many marketers (BostInno)
#2: Gamification of the enterprise (Computer World)
#1: iPad Mini Rumors: Apple's Manufacturers Confirm Redesigned, Smaller Tablet (
Facebook Plugins, Animated GIFs, and Social Media Myths: Today's Social 6

I got flack from some of you guys for being excited about Twitter blocking animated GIFs in profile pictures, but sorry; I hate them. That was clearly one of the bigger stories of the last 24 hours, but Napkin Labs and my post on Facebook's Shared Activity plugin made waves too.
Here's your Social 6:
#6: iPhone 5 and iPad Mini To Have Exchangeable Batteries? (Tapscape)
#5: 8 Social Media Myths Busted (Business 2 Community)
#4: Why Health Care Needs Social Media (Huffington Post)
#3: Napkin Labs launches Facebook ‘Fan Center’ to give brands more qualitative customer relationships (The Next Web)
#2: Twitter Blocks Animated GIFs in Profile Pics (Mashable)
#1: Mixing sharing with privacy: Facebook debuts its Shared Activity plugin (
Mixing sharing with privacy: Facebook debuts its Shared Activity plugin
Via its Developers blog, Facebook today announced the launch of its Shared Activity plugin, which gives users the ability to control the activities they share to Facebook directly from any web app.
The plugin offers developers a simple way to implement user controls needed to work with Facebook's Open Graph built-in actions.
More from the Developers blog:
"The Shared Activity plugin lists a person's activities published from your app to Facebook including Open Graph activities, Like button stories, and comment plugin activities. For example, when an individual uses a music app, she could modify the privacy settings, through the plugin, for specific song listening activities, without needing to go back to Facebook to control what's shown. Similarly, if a person, through a travel app, likes a restaurant or reviews a hotel, and decides that these activities should only be viewable to a select group on friends on Facebook, he can control this within the plugin as well."
This is one of many recent steps Facebook has taken to encourage the general public to share more, while at the same time assure consumers that their sharing activity can be modified at any time. It will be interesting to see how quickly the Shared Activity plugin gains mass adoption.
Twitter Profiles, Social Highlights, iPad Mini: the Social 6 roundup

Trying to streamline the Social 6 by only providing you guys with the links and publications of the articles that attracted the most clicks, shares, retweets, and so on over the last day or so. Today we've got an interesting mix, from social highlights to Twitter's new profiles to -- shocker -- more Apple news (this time it's the iPad Mini). Here's your Social 6 news roundup for 9/19/12:
#6: How Social Media Made Us Narcissists (
#5: Buying Followers On Social Media Sites (San Francisco Chronicle)
#4: The Designers Who Got The Most Social Media Buzz During Fashion Week (Business Insider)
#3: iPad Mini Release Date, Price: Why Screen Size, Retina Display Crucial to Compete with Apps on Kindle Fire 2, HD (Books & Review)
#2: How to change your Twitter header image (Mashable)
#1: Why Book Highlights Are Anti-Social (ReadWriteWeb)