Klout, Unfriending Experiments, and iTunes: Today's Social 6 News Roundup

Of course there's still some Apple news that was widely clicked on and shared yesterday, but we're past "the worst" of it. Today we also have some news about tools that can help optimize your social media posts, the need to stay within Facebook's promotional guidelines, and also new upgrades to a popular storefront called iTunes. Oh. wait, that's Apple. Darn it. Anyhow, here's your Social 6 news roundup:

#6: Is lack of NFC hurting iPhone 5's buzz? (Ecommerce Times)

"It doesn't take long for the excitement over a new iPhone launch to disperse, leaving a vague sense of unfulfilled expectations in its place. In the case of the iPhone 5, one of the larger disappointments is the lack of NFC technology. Never mind that few retailers are equipped to accommodate it, and the vast majority of consumers don't even know what it is."

#5: Four Apps That Can Help You Make An Impact With Your Social Media Postings (Business Insider)

"Running around the Internet looking for pertinent news and topics to your business and your customers is like running through a sprinkler as a kid – you might occasionally get lucky with a cool spot, but most of the time you’ll probably be miserable, aching for that next cool spot. Since it is the Internet, there are certainly enough tools out there to help a small business along, but deciding on one might be difficult. I’ve found a few that you might want to take a look at, including a convenient one called ChatterJet."

#4: How to Increase Your Digital Klout (Mashable/Revolution TV)

"On this episode of Revolution, Fernandez talks about the rise of his company, its challenges in measuring digital and real world influence. He also gives tips on what consumers and businesses need to do to make their online influence matter most."

#3: My big unfriending experience on Facebook (Facebook)

"Social Experiment Time! If you see this status & don't think you'll ever talk to me again, feel free to unfriend me! No harm, no foul. I'm just taking a stand that social media isn't about numbers, and is about making valuable connections with people (and brands). The world's becoming increasingly cluttered, and I'd hate to be part of that clutter in your own digital life."

#2: Apple rolling out redesigned iTunes store for desktop & iOS (VentureBeat)

"Along with the announcement of the new iPhone 5, Apple announced some big changes to its iconic music and media store iTunes.The new iTunes’ iOS store app redesign optimizes the screen to focus more on products (such as music, apps, and games)."

#1: 50% of Facebook brand pages are violating Facebook's promotional guidelines, and consequences are severe (Daily Mercury)

"Sunshine Coast social media expert Donna Hamer has warned businesses breaching Facebook rules that they risk having their pages wiped by administrators. Her comments follow those of social media law expert Jamie White who said 50% of Facebook business pages were in breach of Facebook's Promotional Guidelines."

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Apple's Ping, YouTube, and Coke Highlight Today's Social 6 News Roundup

While we had a few major Apple articles that were shared, commented on, and retweeted yesterday, let's look at some Apple news - but let's open our minds to all the other articles you might have missed yesterday, shall we? Here's what you missed yesterday:

4 Social Media Tools That Never Go Out of Style (Business 2 Community)

"Social media is a whole lot more about hustle, and a whole lot less about slick tools or automation...[there] isn’t an app for earning someone’s respect. There are, however, some basic guidelines that those who 'get' social media have unilaterally used in their rise to becoming forces to be reckoned with. We’ve outlined four of them for you below."

With iTunes, is Apple's Ping Dead?

"iTunes is getting more social, but not with Ping. Today Apple announced that Ping will be shut down on September 30th. iTunes 11 will instead display your Facebook friends who Liked each entry, offer Facebook and Twitter sharing for purchases, plus let musicians share photos on their artist pages. The changes come amongst a larger overhaul to the iTunes store and player design."

Case Study: MicroGREEN InCycle Cups Transmedia Campaign (Business 2 Community)

"MicroGREEN came to Magnet Media for help spreading the word about the cup before its introductory launch in test markets. MicroGREEN especially wanted to reach “millennials” and “millennial moms”—young groups that value sustainability and are highly connected with digital media—with a trans-media campaign."

Cease Fire! Google Debuts YouTube App For iPhone - with Ads (Forbes)

"...the new app, unlike the old one, can run ads. The inability to run ads on the old one was a reason many content providers didn’t let them be viewed on the app.More to the point for Google, this means it can now earn some serious coin from mobile visitors. That’s crucial as mobile devices become the default way people are reaching content on the Web. Google says a quarter of YouTube views, more than a billion a day, are from mobile devices."

With Apple's announcements today, who stands to gain?

"Apple's big product launch in San Francisco this week, expected to mark the debut of the iPhone 5, could spell good news for a host of companies way beyond the boundaries of the tech giant's campus in Cupertino, Calif.From Apple itself to the company's telecom partners and component makers, there's a whole host of firms set for an iPhone 5 boost."

Is This The World's Smartest Coke Machine?  (ReadWriteWeb)

"Plenty of devices can claim to have an Intel microprocessor inside. But, seriously, a Coke machine? This one does, and it can take your picture, too...at the Intel Developer Forum on Tuesday, Intel showed off an interactive Coke machinemanufactured by SIA Interactive, a South American technology and design firm. The machine towered over Dadi Perlmutter, the head of Intel's chip group."

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Apple, Amazon, and more Apple: today's Social 6 News Roundup

Busy day and I'm waaaaay behind schedule. Here's your Social 6 news roundup:

Another Social Bookmarking Start-Up? Wince. Wait, These Two Are Actually Interesting

"As a longtime squinter at Delicious clones, I was surprised this week to see a couple of social bookmarking-type tools that actually seemed quite well-built and distinctive. Will making a product snazzier make it mainstream? Not necessarily. But Clipboard and Mural.ly both caught my jaded eye."

The Dawn Of Visual Social Media

"It’s become clear that social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram have ushered in visual marketing as a new breakout trend for 2012...if you want real results, you have to show it...it really looks like that today 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'"

The iPhone 5 might single-handedly boost the US' GDP

"Gadget lovers are eagerly awaiting news from Apple's media event in San Francisco on Wednesday, when the company is widely expected to introduce the iPhone 5 after months of rumors. Wall Street analysts — and economists too — will be paying close attention. That's because a new iPhone could provide a huge revenue windfall for the world's most valuable company. It could also lift business for related firms such as wireless carriers, suppliers and accessories sellers."

Amazon holds an event today where it'll launch its new Kindle e-readers & Kindle Fire tablet

"Today is Amazon's turn. The Seattle-based company is holding an event today in Santa Monica, California, where it is expected to launch its new Kindle e-readers and Kindle Fire tablet. An ad, which aired last night, showed the new Kindle e-reader and new Fire."

Restaurants put Social Media on the  Menu

"Social media is here to stay but Connolly sees Facebook and Twitter as less relevant for the next generation in terms of restaurants. People will adapt those sites for the long-term, 'like keeping in touch with family, grandkids,' they won’t be searching on them, he predicts.Young people will create their own next-generation social media technology. Whatever form it takes, it will remain a digital form of word-of-mouth, which essentially is what social media really is."

The Choreography of an Apple event

"...when perhaps the most secretive company in tech holds an event, everyone thinks they know what's going to happen -- but no one knows exactly what's going to happen...'It's like the Super Bowl and the Oscars of technology all rolled into one,'  Ritchie [editor-in-chief of iMore, an Apple-centric blog] said.

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Mixer, NYFW, and Twitter's new API : The Social 6 for 9/7/12

I knew New York Fashion Week would be a pretty big point of discussion yesterday, but Twitter's API news was pretty major too. Here's the rundown:

Is Mixer The Mobile Social Location-Based App We’ve Been Looking For? Maybe…

"Mixer is a new social mobile application for iPhone that lets you converse with people on a location...users can post text and photos to the local feed and others can comment. Via a nice visual interface you can zoom out from your locality to join conversations far away or zoom back in to your neighbourhood. But when you leave a location where a conversation happened you can continue to converse with those people."

Fashion Week Dieting Spreads On Twitter, Surprising No One

"Search #NYFW and the word “diet” right now on the social media site and you’ll find lots of tweets linking back to the CNN article mentioned above. But if you go back a bit further, you’ll find women tweeting about their actual diets. Just yesterday, fashion stylist Elizabeth Tran tweeted “So my one-cube-of-cheese-every-hour diet starts tomorrow. Well, I think it will…#lesigh #NYFW“ Let’s not forget this shockingly sad picture tweeted out almost a month ago by PR rep Keisha McCotry. Yep, you read that right: a bowl of broccoli and a glass of water is her dinner. She told CNN she began her fashion week diet in July, and that, 'Perception is reality in this industry, and unfortunately, you have to look the look to get the clients.'"

The #NYFW diet: Part of the job?

"New York Fashion Week is one of the fashion industry's biggest events of the year, the culmination of months of planning, organizing, schmoozing ... and dieting? When it comes to the biannual fashion shows, which kick off Thursday, models aren't the only ones looking to drop a few pounds before hitting the tents. Some publicists, bloggers and fashion editors have been counting calories for weeks in anticipation of the week-long event, where to some, networking and being seen are just as important as the collections debuting on the runways."

The relationship between Case Studies & Social Link Bait

"These are a few of the many benefits offered to you for taking your precious time and creating a great piece of content, such as a case study. One of the benefits I’d like to discuss in much more depth is the social link bait benefit. But before I get into it, I want to just make sure everyone understands what social link bait is."

Twitter officially launches v1.1 Of its API

"...today, the company officially unveiled the newest version of its API, v1.1, and updated its “Developer Rules of the Road” and display requirements.One of the more notable changes we’ve seen so far, brought to our attention by Steve Streza’s tweet, is that developers will have until March 5, 2013 to switch over to the new version of the API. After that, v1.0 will be “kaput” — to use the technical term."

More on Twitter's new API, which drops support for RSS

While it was easy to see the loss of XML coming — Twitter has slowly dropped support for XML in favor of JSON over the last year and a half — dropping support for RSS and Atom is a major shift. RSS and Atom are the two major formats for serving up web feeds. These feeds can include text, audio, video and other types of media. While most users use RSS as a way to subscribe to web content from a blog or podcast — the format can also be used as a way to subscribe to tweets. Since its inception, Twitter has allowed developers to access Twitter timelines and search queries using RSS. As a result, lots of social aggregators have used RSS as an easy way to pull in tweets alongside messages for other services.

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The Social 6: News You Missed Yesterday, 8/22/12 Edition

Fifteen-Year Olds Create Reserverr, Hoping To Replace Your Calendar 

Talk about starting off young: two fifteen year-olds have founded Reserverr, a site that helps users automatically books reservations free of charge. Billy Gallagher reports for TechCrunch on why this deceptively simple app could make waves.

Gannett buys social media ad company Blinq Media

Traditional media player Gannett, which counts USA Today among its properties, announced that it had acquired Blinq Media, an up and coming firm which develops social media ad campaigns. This is just part of the ongoing trend of traditional media firms buying up rising tech companies so they can broaden their digital expertise, especially on social and mobile channels. I'd rate this as a smart move; the traditional media companies that continue to modernize themselves will win, and the ones that don't will eventually go away. Period.

Predictors of In-App Purchases? Not Having Paid Apps And Playing Lots of Games, Apsalar Finds

In-app purchases are turning into the primary way that many mobile developers make their living. In fact, the majority of the top 25 highest-grossing iOS apps are free to start playing! Analytics company Apsalar conducted a deep dive into mobile apps and spending, as Kim-Mai Cutler of TechCrunch reports.

Dave Kerpen & Likeable Media in Inc. Magazine

Very happy for my friends Dave and Carrie Kerpen, who are featured in this month's Inc. Magazine. The Inc. story features how Dave and Carrie built Likeable Media, the social media and word of mouth marketing agency. Pick up the magazine to read their story, as well as some of the fastest-growing small businesses around. In case you can't tell, I *love* the magazine.

Social Media Fan Advocacy & Loyalty Software roundup, courtesy of @JasonFalls 

Social media thought leader (I don't throw that around too often) Jason Falls offers up some great analysis on fan advocacy and loyalty platforms, including 500 Friends, Brandsforce, Zuberance, and more. If you want to understand how to build advocacy and loyalty, and how they're related but different, this is a must-read.

iPhone 5 rendering based on leaked video

‘Leaked’ iPhone 5 Video Reveals Radical New Design

Gee, there's serious interest in the iPhone 5 launch. Are you honestly surprised? This quick Mashable clip links to the "leaked" video for the iPhone 5 teaser, which indicates a relatively substantial deviation from the iPhone 4 and 4S.