McDonald's, Social SEO, Antisocial CEOs, and...Norwegian Foxes? Your Social 6 News Roundup for 12/4/12
Yesterday was so full of news from the Social Web, the news that 3 more Microsoft Surface tablets may hit in 2013 didn't make it. In fact, it was such a busy day I didn't feel right including my announcing my new venture, Firebrand Group, on this list. And if we want to only keep it to news, the link to Pam Moore's SAP-sponsored social media webcast (today!) should be excluded - even though you all should definitely be there. Even without all of that, there's plenty to read. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Do your parents/grandparents not know how to text? This Norwegian fox might be able to teach them (Digital Trends)
#5: Top 5 Breakthrough Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore (Inbound Marketing Agents blog)
#4: McDonald's Releases 1st TV Ad with Twitter Hashtag (Mashable)
#3: 10 ½ Ways to Take Advantage of "Social SEO" (Forbes)
#2: Study Finds Users Tweet During TV and Toilet Time (Mashable)
#1: Research: 70% of Fortune 500 CEOs Have Absolutely Zero Social Media Presence (60 Second Marketer)