Duane Reade, Pandora Jewelry, Songdrop, and Apple's War Chest: the Social 6 for 3/4/12
Today was a busy busy day, which is par for the course for a Monday, and we have plenty of great reading material. Some of the highlights included the launch of Pandora in New York City hosted by Pretty Connected, the rise of Songdrop, how Duane Reade is getting hyperlocal right, and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Songdrop Is Like A Delicious For Music For That Lives Outside Of Paywalls (TechCrunch)
#5: Are You Targeting the Wrong Social Influencers? 3 Mistakes Brands are Making (BlogWorld)
#4: The UK's Guardian is boasting a new ad campaign to loop in American readers (New York Times)
#3: Case Study: Duane Reade Uses Local Brand Advocates to Promote Neighborhood Stores (Street Fight)
#2: Join Pretty Connected + Lucky Magazine for the Pandora 3/7 Grand Opening in NYC (Pretty Connected)
#1: 10 Things Apple Could Buy with its $137 Billion (AllThingsD)
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