Newsjacking Sandy Hook, Google Plus Upgrades, and Airline VIPs: the Social 6 for 12/15/12
It's hard to imagine anything eclipsing yesterdays horrific shootings in Connecticut - and at least on the Social 6, nothing didn't. But it was the story of the day by a large margin, with idiots even pretending to be the now-dead shooter on Facebook. KMart got in on the newsjacking fun in our top spot today. We also did have some positive news, such as PowToon's funding, some great reporting on how social media is affecting VIP treatment on airlines, and more. Here's your Social 6:
#6: DIY Animation Platform PowToon Grabs $600K For Its Video Creation Software (TechCrunch)
#4: Big Google+ Upgrade Includes Full-Size Photo Backups (Mashable)
#3: The Navigator: With social media, airlines have a new kind of VIP (Washington Post)
#2: The top 12 internet characters of 2012 (Your Community @ CBCnews)
#1: KMart Wins the Idiotic Newsjacking Brand of the Day Award for its Insensitive Tweet (Going Social)
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