Gilt, Pepsi, Wilcoxson, iPad Mini, & Social Scoring dominate the Social 6 roundup
Wow, yesterday was a pretty packed day on the Interwebz. In fact, it was tight enough that ReadWriteWeb's piece on how journalists are using SoundCloud or The Next Web's Can TV go social without being ruined? article didn't make the cut. Oh, and there's the list of 100 Worst Songs Ever from AOL radio that was clicked on & shared an incredibly amount, but I thought that's not what you guys want, is it?*
Here's your Social 6 roundup:
#6: iPad Mini News: Pictures, Pricing, Release Date, Rumors Leak Out (News For Shoppers)
#5: Social search is largely about food & Italian leads the pack [graphic] (The Next Web)
#4: If You're Interested In Influence, Social Scoring Is Of Historic Importance (Fast Company)
#3: For Gilt, selling on Facebook 'was like trying to sell something at a bar' (Business Insider)
#2: Wilcoxson's Ice Cream Sparks Social Media Firestorm (Huffington Post)
#1: Pepsi's head of social sums up his strategy in one word: 'Homophily' (Business Insider)
*Admit it, you clicked on the worst songs ever list.