Cyber Monday, Black Friday, Fashion-Tech, & Libel: the Social 6, Weekend Recap Edition

I wouldn't blame you for relaxing and staying off of the Internet this weekend, assuming you were exhausted from Turkey Thursday and Black Friday. Still, there's plenty going on out there, so I'm collecting some of my most heavily clicked & shared links from this past weekend. Here's your Social 6:

#6 Sorry, Beliebers: ‘Gangnam Style’ is now the most-viewed YouTube video *ever*  (Mashable)

#5 Libel Case That Snared BBC Widens to Twitter Users (New York Times)

#4 Going For “Pretty First” Is Wrong: A Designer’s Take On App Development  (TechCrunch)

#3 My Top 6 Cyber Monday Deals  (

#2 [Op-Ed] The Problem with Most Fashion-Tech Startups  (The Business of Fashion)

#1 Black Friday sales online top $1 billion for 1st time: comScore (Reuters)

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