Walla Hacked, Twitter Archives, Harlem Shake, Social Media Week New York: the Social 6 for 2/18/13

Happy Washington's Birthday, all! I'd try to make a President's Weekend-related transition here, but honestly, I don't have much to work with. That's not to say there weren't quite a few good links out there today, including some of Social Media Week New York's top events (admittedly, I'm pushing the ones I'm involved with), how businesses can market towards women,  and Walla's recent problem with hacking. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Hacker allegedly linked to Anonymous dumps 583,000 email addresses and passwords from Israeli portal Walla (The Next Web)

#5: Twitter Archives: A Window on Social Media's Rise and My Past (Mashable)

#4: Winning women over (Business Standard)

#3: Readers Respond to Porn Ban and Submit Their Harlem Shake Videos (Mashable)

#2: Facebook's Graph Search is in search of ads (USA Today)

#1: Top Events to Check out During Social Media Week New York (Going Social)

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