Twitter + Starcom, Bad Careers, Gamification in Healthcare: the Social 6 for 4/23/12
Plenty of good links out there all over the web today. Come to think of it, most days I find great content with your help. My only wish is that I had more hours in the day to read. Speaking of reading, let's get started, shall we? Here's your Social 6:
#6: If Planet Earth Used a Social Network (Comic) (AllThingsD)
#5: A look at the future of gamification, mobile apps & social media in the health industry (Money Marketing)
#4: 26 Mobile Apps to Improve Your Business and Networking (Social Media Examiner)
#3: Anyone Can Be Found on Social Media in 12 Hours (Mashable)
#2: Twitter Signs Lucrative Deal With Ad Agency Starcom (New York Times)
#1: Want to know what careers to avoid? Here are the worst jobs of 2013 (CareerCast)
Twitter Advertising, LinkedIn Mobile Revamp, $174 Facebook Fans: the Social 6 for 4/18/13
It's been a pretty busy week, and a very busy 24-hour period out there. LinkedIn's mobile overhaul isn't insignificant, so I'd advise you to pay attention to that, though Twitter did take a pretty big step forward in solving their advertising model -- and I'd have to salute them for that. Here's your Social 6:
#6: UK Online Payments Platform GoCardless Raises $1.5 Million Series A, Plans To Expand Across Europe (TechCrunch)
#5: LinkedIn Revamps Mobile App (AllThingsD)
#4: A Syncapse study claims a Facebook fan is worth $174 (Mashable)
#3: How To: Engage Successfully on Twitter (Likeable Media blog)
#2: Five Creative Uses for Google Alerts (Lifehacker)
#1: Twitter's advertising capabilities take a huge step forward, with keyword targeting (AllThingsD)
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Bieber Debit Cards, Biz Best Practices, Social Media Hostility
Well it's a busy day, so it's a short post from me. Sorry, I'm boring today. still love me since you're still reading this :).
Here's your Social 6:
#6: On being a hero (Christopher S. Penn blog)
#5: Hostility on social networks rises to 78% of users (Slashgear)
#4: The Wild and Wonderful Future of Wireless (Ecommerce Times)
#3: With Social Media, the Proof Is in the Payoff (Everything PR)
#2: Bieber Backs a Debit Card for Teenagers, From Parents (New York Times)
#1: Several social networks open up portals for business best practices (Social Fresh), KitchMe, BBC Hacks, Twitter & TV Ratings: the Social 6 for 3/21/13
Crazy crazy day, running from meeting to meeting, and yet the links I shared today seemed to go nuts with you guys.'s Google Analytics capabilities actually ran away with today's top link by a large margin, but there's plenty more great reading to be found here, so let's dive in, shall we? Here's your Social 6:
#6: Acquires Pinterest-Like Recipe & Meal Planning Service KitchMe (TechCrunch)
#5: Twitter Untangles Its Overgrown Org Chart (AllThingsD)
#4: BBC Weather’s Twitter account has been hijacked by anti-Syrian hackers (The Next Web)
#3: Street Fight Daily: Pinterest Buys Livestar, Starbucks' Shoddy Square Rollout (Street Fight)
#2: More Twitter Chatter Correlates to Higher TV Ratings, Study Reveals (Mashable)
#1:’s new Google Analytics tool sends you weekly Web metric reports as infographics (The Next Web)
Flattr, Listly, Foursquare, Flickr's iOS app, Pinterest's New Look: the Social 6 for 3/18/13
Busy Monday in real life and on the Interwebz, folks! I kid you not. What's interesting is that today really didn't have any runaway winner for first place, but we've got plenty of great links today. Interestingly enough, for the most part they're all focused on visuals and startups. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Flattr now lets you make $$ from Twitter Favorites, Instagram Likes & more (The Next Web)
#5: Social Media Campaign to Reunite Auschwitz Twins "A7733" & "A7734" (The Times of Israel)
#4: Listly goes premium with its revamped list-building platform, and gets more mobile friendly too (The Next Web)
#3: Does Foursquare have a Yelp Problem? (AllThingsD)
#2: Flickr's iOS app update features great support for hashtags (The Next Web)
#1: Pinterest shares how its new look lets users discover more of what they love (Pinterest)
Pinterest Analytics, SoundCloud, Netflix on Facebook: the Social 6 for 3/13/13
Today I was a bit out of it, putting out fires at Firebrand Group (no pun intended, pinkie swear) -- but that didn't stop all your clicks & shares. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Peter Thiel On Not Selling Facebook - And Much, Much More (ReadWrite)
#5: Subscriptions, Social and CRM (Ecommerce Times)
#4: At long last, US users can share Netflix history on Facebook (Mashable)
#3: How to get your coworkers to share company news on social networks (Social Fresh)
#2: SoundCloud: the Twitter of Music? (The Verge)
#1: 4 Things to Try with the New Pinterest Analytics [VIDEO] (Social Media Today)
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Snapchat, Nextdoor, FONYFW, & Tweet-to-Buy: the Social 6 for 2/12/13
Today was actually a pretty busy day around the Internetz, with plenty of strong stories sadly being left off of the Social 6. The good news is that the ones that made the cut are pretty sweet, including plenty of app news (Snapchat, Winston, Nextdoor), another reason to get an Amex card, and the most click & shareworthy piece of the day, my analysis of how Faces of NYFW is democratizing Fashion Week. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Winston, the iOS app that aggregates, curates, & reads you the news (The Next Web)
#5: Nextdoor (private social network) banks another $21 million, launches version 2.0 (AllThingsD)
#4: Snapchat Brings Video To Android In A Private Beta (TechCrunch)
#3: How To Hack Online Dating And Use Data To Find True Love (ReadWriteWeb)
#2: American Express Cardholders Can Now Tweet to Buy (All Things D)
#1: Experience Fashion Week Up Close with Faces of NYFW (Going Social)
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Super Bowl, Facebook Exoduses, and Graph Search: the Social 6 for 2/4/13
As expected, Monday the 4th had plenty of news and views regarding last nights Super Bowl, but there were other interesting things to be found today across the social web, including arguments against graph search, gamification's role in revolutionizing health care, and marketing trends to be aware of in order to grow over the coming year. Here's your Social 6:
#6: 4 Powerful Marketing Trends Your Organization Must Embrace in 2013 (Business 2 Community)
#5: How Companies Are Using Gamification To Transform Health Care (Business Insider)
#4: This year's Super Bowl Generated over 24 Million Tweets (Mashable)
#3: Why Graph Search Could Be Facebook's Largest Privacy Invasion Ever (The Nation blog)
#2: How Superbowl XLVII’s Blackout Became A Marketer’s Dream (Likeable Media blog)
#1: Why I Decided To Leave Facebook (ReadWriteWeb)
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Tumblr, Taylor (Swift), and Turbulence (Over Graph Search): the Social 6 for 1/25/13
Yesterday I shared a lot, and you guys clicked and shared even more, making it really tricky to curate the Social 6, since quite a few noteworthy stories & pieces got left out. Still, we had a great 24-hour news cycle, highlighted by Keds' big Taylor Swift campaign, quite a few Facebook Graph Search pieces -- including two that disagree with one another -- and the most clickworthy of the day, a new guest post on the Going Social site by content & community standout Tanya Barrios. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Keds' Taylor Swift campaign spends across traditional & social media channels (New York Times)
#5: No, Facebook's Graph Search Is Not Turning Up Racists and Cheaters (New York Magazine)
#4: You Can't Hide from Facebook Graph Search (Businessweek)
#3: Tumblr launches quicker, Twitter-like post creation for a smaller and more streamlined experience (The Next Web)
#2: Facebook Graph Search Shows You 'Married People Who Like Prostitutes' & 'Employers Of People Who Like Racism' (Forbes)
#1: 3 Essential Steps to Handling a Social Media Crisis (Going Social)
Influencers, Storify, France's Social Data Tax, & More: the Social 6 News Roundup for 1/22/13
Starting today, we (and by we, I mean me) will be posting the Social 6 the same day news happens as opposed to the next morning. So today, January 22nd, we saw plenty of great news stories, including more on the Storify privacy loopholes, France's ideas for taxing personal data collectors such as Google and Facebook, and how some employers' social media policies may not be 100% legal. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Influencers vs. Advocates in New Media (Huffington Post)
#5: Storify Loophole Publishes Private Facebook Updates (Mashable)
#4: Should Google and Facebook be taxed for collecting your personal data? France thinks so (The Next Web)
#3: 16 Inspiring Examples of Interactive Maps in Web Design (Web Design Ledger)
#2: Employers' social media policies come under regulatory scrutiny (New York Times)
#1: The power of brand marketing as a floor (Christopher S. Penn blog)
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