Glossi, Cory Booker, and Likeable Departments: the Social 6 News Roundup for 12/5/12

I'll admit it, we have a bit of a different pool than I usually share in the Social 6, given that so many links I shared yesterday weren't really Social 6-esque (sharing my Crunchies voting for my friends at Mirror, for example). We still have some pretty clickworthy stories, including the rising food justice movement and how food stamps play into things, and the increasingly fast evolution of journalism. Here's your Social 6:

#6: ThisNext Launches Glossi, Its Free Digital Magazine Builder  (TechCrunch)

#5: Cory Booker's Move Toward Food Justice  (LinkedIn)

#4: Gen Y, Social Media, and the Powers That Be  (Going Social)

#3: Likeable is not a department  (Duct Tape Marketing)

#2: The Game of Business (Businessweek)

#1: How Social Networks Are Redefining Journalism (Mashable)

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Sensegon, Gamification, and Social TV highlight the Social 6 News Roundup

Got busy at work yesterday and didn't have a chance to check out what was going on in the worlds of social media, gamification, startups, and social TV? No worries - I have you covered. Here's the Social 6 roundup of the last 24 hours:

#6: YC-Backed Referly Raises $1M To Bring Affiliate Commerce To Everyone (TechCrunch)

#5: Can social media drive real sustainable change? (The Guardian blog)

#4: Questions and Answers on How The Times Handles Online Comments (New York Times blog)

#3: Sensegon Plans To Improve Ad Targeting Based On Your Personality (TechCrunch)

#2: Are you being played? How tech companies use gamification (VentureBeat)

#1: Why Social Media Needs TV and TV Needs Social (Ad Age)