The Onion Missteps, Running Apps, Facebook Ad Changes, Twitter Hacks: the Social 6 for 2/25/13
Yesterday was an action-packed day, if you're a social media nerd like me. Enough so that plenty of great contestants didn't get onto the list. The stories left standing, of course, make up a very diverse Social 6, from a rundown of running apps, to Netflix's use of analytics to power their programming, to a rare apology from The Onion regarding an unfortunate joke aimed at a nine year-old. Here's your Social 6:
#6: What real-time marketers should learn from Frost Mages (Christopher S. Penn blog)
#5: Twitter Hackings Put Focus on Security for Brands (New York Times)
#4: Three Running Apps to Shake Up Your Routine (AllThingsD)
#3: The Onion apologizes for Quvenzhané Wallis Comment (Mashable)
#2: Netflix is using Big Data to ensure House of Cards' popularity (New York Times)
#1: Facebook is decreasing image size for non-social page post ads. Here's what you need to know (Sprout Social blog)
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