Univision, Disaster Resources, and Sandy Links Galore top the Social 6 for 10/30/12
It's really interesting how quickly people's interests -- and the news -- can turn. Just a few days ago, you couldn't get much in the way of news that wasn't about the presidential election. Yesterday, almost anything worth clicking on & reading was Sand-related. Here's your Social 6:
#6: Univision to Start Its First Digital Network (New York Times)
#5: How To Create A Successful Visual Social Media Marketing Campaign (Business 2 Community)
#4: Chasing Armstrong With Truth (New York Times)
#3: A Pinterest board of tons of things named Sandy that *don't* suck (Pinterent)
#2: Top 6 Resources for Disaster Preparedness & Recovery (JeremyGoldman.com)
#1: Best ways to follow Hurricane Sandy digitally (until you lose power!) (Mashable)
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