Twitter for Business, SEC & Social Media, and Digital Resumes: the Social 6 for 4/2/13

Folks, I'm not going to lie to you: April 2nd had a flew of good news & views around the social web. Now, I know the boss of your boss' boss called you in for a four-hour meeting and you didn't get caught up on your reading. No worries! I've got you covered. Here's your Social 6:

#6: A Google Plus Overview: Breaking Through Misconceptions [INFOGRAPHIC] (Social Media Today)

#5: 9 Social Media #Workhacks To Make Your Company More Likeable Online (Likeable Media blog)

#4: Goodbye, Paper Resumés. Now You Can Tweet To Get Hired (Refinery29)

#3: 10 Reasons You're Not Getting a Raise (& What You Can Do About It) (Lifehacker)

#2: Reimagining SEC disclosure for a social media world (Wall Street Journal)

#1: Twitter Relaunches Twitter for Business (Mashable)


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Univision, Disaster Resources, and Sandy Links Galore top the Social 6 for 10/30/12

It's really interesting how quickly people's interests -- and the news -- can turn. Just a few days ago, you couldn't get much in the way of news that wasn't about the presidential election. Yesterday, almost anything worth clicking on & reading was Sand-related. Here's your Social 6:

#6: Univision to Start Its First Digital Network (New York Times)

#5: How To Create A Successful Visual Social Media Marketing Campaign (Business 2 Community)

#4: Chasing Armstrong With Truth (New York Times)

#3: A Pinterest board of tons of things named Sandy that *don't* suck (Pinterent)

#2: Top 6 Resources for Disaster Preparedness & Recovery (

#1: Best ways to follow Hurricane Sandy digitally (until you lose power!) (Mashable)

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Baby Boomers, iPad Mini Accessories, and Facebook Follower ROI in the Social 6 for 10/12/12

Hey look, it's the Social 6! This is the first time in awhile not a single one of the articles came from Mashable, oddly enough. There's plenty of good reading below, capped by a very nice piece by @sarahneedleman & @EvelynRusli. Here's your Social 6:

#6: ComScore: Instagram attracts more site engagement than Twitter on smartphones (Brafton)

#5: Social media or sex? A study shows more people are going online (WHP TV)

#4: All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: The solo entrepreneur's guide to social media time management (Crain's Chicago Business blog)

#2: Retailers gearing up for Apple's 'iPad mini' with plans for accessory displays (Apple Insider)

#1: What's a Facebook Follower Worth? (Wall Street Journal)

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