The Social 6: Key Stories from The Last 24 hours, 7/27/12

As you may know, I’m a voracious reader and tend to share a good deal of news via my social platforms. Here’s a countdown of the top six most important articles I’ve shared in the last day. I curate this top six based on number of retweets, clicks, favorites, and mentions, so you guys are a large part of what ends up listed here :).

#6 This Guy Modeled His Impressive Resume After Google Analytics

The #1 advice I give people is that their resume needs to stand out. The second key piece of advice is that is has to be tailored to whatever market you’re going after. Online marketing manager Simone Fortunini created a great example of a resume that’s modeled perfectly after Google Analytics, and really stands out from the crowd. Nicely reported by Vivian Giang of Business Insider Careers.

#5 Zynga’s Mark Pincus blames engagement decline on Facebook

Harrison Weber of  TNW talks about Zynga’s CEO, Mark Pincus, blames Facebook in part for the loss of users due to the changes to Facebook’s platform. In my opinion, Zynga still has plenty of long-term potential, in that they’ve developed a strong gaming platform. However, they’re just too dependent on Facebook. A strategy to become less dependent on Facebook would bode well for their long-term growth.

#4 Chick-Fil-A’s Facebook Page becomes Ground Zero

Yesterday, I shared more news about Chick-Fil-A’s PR troubles. I event went so far as to create to comment on the snafus. The PR problems continue for the fast food giant: a huge protest to “Eat Less Chikn'” has begun, and the company is finding it hard to control their message. Amora Mcdaniel of Upstart (part of shares more about the controversy that the company is facing.

#3 Forget, Vizify is your new online profile of choice [Invites] 

Vizify, the new way to show a broad overview of data culled across every service that a user is on. You can see the official Jeremy Goldman Vizify here, as a testament to how impressive a visualization tool it is. Not only does Brad  McCarty of TNW give you more information on the site, but he shows you how to navigate it!

#2 Greek Athlete Kicked Off Olympic Team For Tweet

Another day; another downfall brought to you, in part, by Twitter. The top microblogging platform got Voula Papachristou, Greece’s triple-jump champion, in deep trouble after a very offensive tweet. She’s now prevented from competing in the London Olympic Games. Billy Gallagher of TechCrunch details the situation in this piece.

#1 McKinsey Says Social Media Could Add $1.3 Trillion to the Economy

While we may be in a social bubble in many ways,  McLinsey Global Institute, the research division of the business consulting powerhouse, released a study called “unleashing value and productivity through social technologies.”  Quentin Hardy of The New York Times summarizes nicely and explains more about the study’s findings.

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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