#6 Done Deal: 10 Weeks Later, Salesforce.com Owns Buddy Media

Peter Kafka delivers a great article for AllThingsD sharing that Salesforce.com now officially owns Buddy Media. The deal was said to have closed at $750 million. All in all, a pretty quick acquisition as these deals tend to go. Congrats to my friends at Buddy Media for officially being part of the Salesforce family.

#5 Facebook’s Instagram Deal Moves One Step Closer: UK’s Office Of Fair Trading Gives IT The All-Clear

Speaking of slower acquisitions, Facebook’s Instagram deal is one step closer to being a reality: Ingrid Lunden of TechCrunch explains some of the anti-competitive concerns surrounding the deal. Personally, I can see why any consolidation of social platforms should be closely reviewed.

#4 Mobile Apps Could Be Affected by New COPPA Privacy Rules for Kids

Brian Proffitt writes a great article on ReadWriteWeb explaining why the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act are considering new changes.

#3 How the Second Screen Scored in the Summer Olympics

Mobile media became a huge deal during this years Olympics. John Paul Titlow writes an interesting for ReadWriteWeb telling why, and is a great way of telling what the future holds for mobile event consumption.

#2 Ultimatum to stores: sign pledge not to sell ‘trampy’ kids clothes or be boycotted

Nick Ralston posts a video and an article on Life & Style about whether or not to sell kids clothes that may be a bit revealing. Inappropriate clothing for children has raised as an issue against Target Australia (*very* loosely affiliated with Target USA), and a grassroots attempt is being made to respond to the store’s decisions.

#1 Dell CEO’s Daughter Booted From Twitter for Security Reasons

How annoying would it be for you to spend $2.7 Million to keep your family safe, only to find that the biggest security concern was your own daughter? Even though it was innocuous, Alexa Dell, CEO Michael Dell’s daughter, posted a photo going to Fiji, which could lead to people following her. Zoe Fox writes for Mashable and gives more details to the situation, which sheds some light on the concerns associated with geo-location sharing.