Without any further ado, here’s a roundup of what I shared, and what you guys found interesting, over the last 24 hours:

#6 AfterCollege Relaunched, Looks To Build A LinkedIn For College Students And Recent Grads

AfterCollege is now looking to be, in essence, the “young LinkedIn.” There’s more to it, of course, and Rip Empson writes a great article on TechCrunch outlining what the new AfterCollege looks like.

#5 Campaigns’ calls for voter videos going unanswered

Both major presidential candidates are seeking homemade videos created by voters, but surprisingly, there is very little user-generated content being submitted. Callum Borchers wrties a great piece for The Boston Globe explaining what’s going on.

#4 6 Paid-Owned-Earned Ideas in Retail from eTail’s Social Day

Allison Tepley writes for AddThis’ blog, sharing insights from eTail’s Social Commerce & Engagement Summit, and which themes and topics were front and center.

#3 Google Plus Starts Offering Vanity URLs

Google+ is stepping up its game by offering vanity URLs at long last! Sanjeez Ramachandran delievers a piece with a great explanation. Unfortunately,  they’re only for verified accounts right now, but it’s a good, necessary step for the social platform.

English: Barnes & Noble Nook
English: Barnes & Noble Nook (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

#2 Barnes & Noble Tosses Nook to the Discount Pile

B&N is cutting the retail price of their Nooks, looking to be possibly the most inexpensive option on the tablet market. If this works, I’m all for it: the healthier the Nook can be, the more likely we are to have Barnes & Noble stick around.

#1 Pinterest Nudges Users Off the Couch and Into the World With New Android and iPad Apps & There’s more: Pinterest is launching for the Kindle Fire later this week

This is a tie between two articles that both touch on how Pinterest is becoming so much more than a browser-based experience. With this week’s releases, it’s pretty clear that Pinterest is looking to do whatever it takes to put its platform in front of as many people and as many devices as possible. I’d say they’re doing a good job of becoming more ubiquitous.

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