As you may know, I’m a pretty voracious reader and generally share a bunch of news & reviews via my social platforms. Here’s a countdown of the top six most important articles I’ve shared in the last day. I curate this top six based on number of retweets, clicks, favorites, and mentions, so you guys are a large part of what ends up listed here :).

#6 Do You Remember All the Cool Things Your CRM App Can Do?

Christopher Bucholtz, in this E-Commerce Times piece, argues that the average enterprise isn’t taking advantage of many of the features that come baked into their CRM implementation. As someone who’s advised many companies in getting the most out of their CRM investment, I can attest to the problem. Scheduling features are the biggest opportunity for companies to easily extract more value out of CRM, as Mr. Bucholtz outlines in this piece.

#5 Facebook Photos Get Blurry With This Privacy Plug-In

This fall, you may see a lot of blurred photos on Facebook. McAfee will be making it a little safer to share your photos on the social platform  thanks to Social Protection, a new product that will allow users better control over their, and prevents people from downloading those pictures to view anywhere else. This sounds more like McAfee looking for a saleable product than it is solving a real need, but maybe I’m in the minority? Emily Price reports more in this Mashable piece.

#4 Social Media Is Becoming Useful, Finally

Contrary to the headline of this article, it’s not a rant about how social media has largely been a productivity waster. Instead, it’s a piece about Clipboard, a privately beta-launched at the end of 2011 and available to the public since May, is looking to make social media more productivity for everyone. Gustavo Razzetti has more detail on Clipboard in this Clickz piece, and how it could be a bit of a game-changer.

#3 Google Plus Comes to Blogger, Brings Both Communities Together

Google rolled out a brand new feature in Blogger this past Monday that ties directly into Google Plus.  In this Business 2 Community piece, Andrew Glasscock explains all of the benefits the new functionality offers for Blogger users. If you’re a Blogger user, this is A) a must-read and B) something you should look more into!

#2 Kanye West Is Advising NYC Startup The Fancy on the Future of Commerce

This week, Kanye West payed a visit to one of my favorite NYC startups. The Fancy – which is is one of his favorites as well. Kanye stopped by to give advice to The Fancy CEO Joe Einhorn, who reportedly “looks up to Kanye the way most tech folks idolize Steve Jobs.” Hey, whatever works for you. Key takeaway here: The Fancy is becoming a favorite of quite a few celebrities, not just ‘Ye.

#1 A Real Dad Won’t Save You if You’re ‘Taken’ [VIDEO]

I think a lot of you were interested in winding down yesterday; that’s probably the #1 reason so many of you clicked on this parody of the Movie Taken, the 2008 thriller about an American girl kidnapped by human traffickers in Paris. Pretty fun video of how a dad less capable than Liam Neeson’s Taken character would react to his child’s abduction.