#6: How the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Branded Himself Too Well – New York Times (blog)

Mike Michalowicz branded himself “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur” back in 2008, yet now he’s trying to rebrand himself — and social media is pushing back! Very interesting story detailing #1 how to brand yourself, and #2 how to think about social media may play a part in making it difficult to rebrand if you’re successful at #1.

#5: It’s Not Too Soon to Think About Crowdfunding – New York Times (blog)

Another NY Times blog piece that resonated with many of you. Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle, offers up some tips for social entrepreneurs looking to turn to crowdfunding.

#4: How Social Media plays a role in the B2B sales process

Kevin Jorgensen offers up a very useful Business 2 Community piece for understanding how social media fits into the B2B sales cycle.

#3: Progressive’s social media fail may be warning

Haven’t heard about Progressive’s recent social media crisis? The insurance giant had to deal with a social media firestorm in the past week after a consumer, Matt Fisher, used Tumblr to voice complaints about how Progressive treated his family poorly when the family tried to collect on his deceased sister’s Progressive policy.

#2: Thanks to Verizon’s vacation blackout window, we know when iPhone 5 is launching

It’s always fun trying to figure out when the latest Apple releases are hitting stores, and with the iPhone 5 it’s no exception. Read this piece to get a sense of when you’ll be able to purchase your iPhone 5 at Verizon.

#1: YouTube will be offering mobile ads

YouTube will at long last be actually offering up mobile ads, giving Google another revenue stream, and helping to lead the way in monetizing mobile. This is going to be huge. Mark my words.


Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase